mantle and anointing

You can imagine how I got here? Even though I read this book already several times, reading it again right after writing this felt like I was sitting in a room with Solomon himself and he was speaking to me. God used Jacob, Potiphar, a prison warden, and ultimately Pharoah himself, to appoint Joseph to a position in Egypt that was already his through Gods intention. I know i am a joseph and somehow he will provide he said and i believe father God. Help me to be a light to this world with this anointing and lead people to You, in Jesus mighty name, Amen. People are malnourished and need meat and potatoes. Joseph was given a new name by the Pharoah and it was Zaphenath-paneah. So you see there is something to this God save the Queen. This one artist came on stage singing a note. Thats it. In my dream, he said, I was standing on the bank of the Nile River, 18and I saw seven fat, healthy cows come up out of the river and begin grazing in the marsh grass. (5) Consider what you say and write before you do it. It means the one who provides sustenance of the land or the one who furnishes nourishment for life. Josephs Anointing, which is different from Solomons Anointing. It is a process, but oh so worth it. 20These thin, scrawny cows ate the seven fat cows. While this was a strategic move that probably caused him to continue living in ease without much war, these same foreign women pull him away from walking with the Lord. The best thing for you to do is ask God to reveal to you what your mantle is. The note was anointed with deliverance. 3For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. The contrast I desired to draw with my post was this: there is a difference between being anointed for a moment and being anointed to occupy an office or position, spiritually speaking. Required fields are marked *. What are they used for? As prophetic people, we are often drawn to the story of Elijahs mantle. Shhhh. She keeps trying to push it away but it keeps coming back. Then youll find someone else with an OK voice and this is the one with the anointing. Self Reliance. They dress how they see themselves, they are it before they become it. What is a mantle in the Bible? | I am now going to read the second part of your post which concerns Joseph. God still honored what he did even though he was walking in disobedience. If a job or position required a 4 year degree and 5 years experience to get it, they will start at the ground level and within record time they are running the place without the 4 year degree and the 5 experience. What is a Mantle? The people then revolted and the kingdom became divided. Because they are likeable they have a very uncommon favor about them. When God took Elijah, Elisha took his own cloakthe one he had worn as a servantand tore it in two. A lot! I see yellow as honor and financial success, orange as fruitfulness and multiplication, red as the blood of Jesus, pink as love, blue as the revelation of God, green as growth and newness, then I couldnt remember what the 7th color was. You can see the other projects he got involved with in 2 Chronicles 8. If someone has this mantle they have the gift of wisdom. I thank God for your ministry. Do you realize that? But if you forsake him, he will reject you forever. There are many things you can do with a kingly anointing. The people with the Solomon and Joseph anointing are generally broke! And we should obey Gods spiritual laws that are in place by not cursing the person wearing the mantle or we will call judgement upon ourselves as we read before in Romans 13:1-7. The Mantle and Anointing of Stephen: Serving with Excellence - Revised I admonished her to stop pushing it away and start embracing what God has anointed her to do. It means the one who provides sustenance of the land or the one who furnishes nourishment for life. She still needs to learn, train, serve , position herself so that when the time comes she can step into the role. Have you thought about how ridiculous it sounds that the enemy (Pharaoh), takes the slave out of prison and puts him in charge of his kingdom?? 12:13-14), And just as Ive come to understand from the teaching on scrolls that nothing in life is a mistake or oops before God. (1 Kings 19:15-19). So, you will change from mantle to mantle until you get to the final position. I have been praying to the Lord for Clarity on his mission message and mandate for me and the marketplace and the kingdom and in the world and this article spoke directly to my spirit it gave me confirmation on things that God has said to me has shown me that I have written down the story of Joseph was the mantle that I felt months ago when my Apostle asked me what was God crowning my year with thank you for writing this article I thank God for giving you the words for this article they would definitely for my Divine place I thank you so much. For a long season, Elisha was a servant to Elijah. Even the unsaved, as we see with King Cyrus. That is absolutely ludacris. Hi Cyprian, you need to pray and ask God what that means for you. Ebook 132 pages 2 hours The Anointing, the Mantle and the Glory Show full title By Frequency Revelator ( 0 ratings ) About this ebook Well, that is what David did to Solomon he took all of his wealth and used it to build the temple. And when his jealous brothers threw him in a pit and sold him to Egyptian slave traders, they wrenched the coat from him. And, prophesy). Then his final mantle was given when he became Prime Minister of Egypt (Genesis 41:42). His name is Donnie McClurkin. It is in the spirit and it is an anointing. This is why it is important to know who is for you and who is against you before you share anything with them. When everyone else is looking disheveled because they think no one can see them because they work in a back office, the Josephs are going to be better dressed than everyone else. Ms. Megan Doctor, 7 th Episcopal District. Read it. Thats all I have for you. However, I believe it is highly unlikely to have these two mantles at the same time. They are usually very critical of themselves because they will look back at what they did before and always think it wasnt good enough and they couldve done better. You wont look the same: A great vindication. Most dont say pink they use indigo. Those with the Joseph anointing/mantle are generally very good at their jobs. As Christians, I think we need to give value to how we spend or use the Freedom (Ease) and Time that the Lord has blessed us with and is about to add unto us even in this season. I love that, Lorelle! Same rule applies with marketplace ministry. This post has helped me understand the painful process Ive experienced. Now, go back and reread without looking at the first layer where you only see dream interpretation and the gift of wisdom, look for the 7 Spirits of God, This is Joseph after he comes out of prison and hes standing before the Pharaoh for the first time, 15Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, I had a dream last night, and no one here can tell me what it means. Aaron was punished later by not being allowed to enter into the promise land (Numbers 20:22-29). Dr. The same principle was at work when Moses struck the rock twice instead of speaking to it (Numbers 20:7-12). While he inherited some what he amassed was on his own because of the wisdom God gave him. Why did God leave him there for 2 years? It was either your parents or your grandparents or some relative that handled all the spiritual warfare and generational curses. Hi, back in May this year Kris Vallotton from Bethel prophesied over me and put on the mantle of Davids famous mighty men. Its like they are a magnate that pulls people in. He didnt even ask for the job. You progress into that role but you are moving up different levels. How to Receive God's Destined Mantle for Your Life Following are some significant lessons about receiving your God-ordained mantle, from the stories of Joseph and Elisha [1]: 1. Therefore, he was closer to his destiny. of the high priest of Israel Pretty cool how 3 Marys were at Jesus side and appeared to them first. However a pastor can have church for years, with a growing congregation and zero anointing. I believe He allowed this to be written by Solomon, so that we wont make same mistakes and waste the precious time and freedom/ease that He has given to us for our purpose and assignments.and I pray that well receive the grace to go through our lives journey like Joseph to become and achieve all that He had in mind for us, written in His scrolls in Jesus Name (amen). This is not the full story. Position me so that I will be in place when it is time. Has anybody got any Holy Spirit inspired ideas about that for me? 23Then seven more heads of grain appeared, but these were blighted, shriveled, and withered by the east wind. I hope that makes sense. I have been richly blessed and strengthened in my spiritual journey to be in Gods presence. 6So Potiphar gave Joseph complete administrative responsibility over everything he owned. Thank you for molding me into your image and for using me to glorify You in all the earth, in Jesus name, Amen. She just doesnt. He is the "Anointing." His Presence is "The Anointing." Another definition or meaning for the word anointed is "chosen one." The literal translation of the Hebrew word mashiach (messiah) is "anointed." This is a plot from the enemy. Thank you for this very helpful article. Having to study the book of Ecclesiastes all over again, I could feel this sense of a much older Solomon towards the latter end of His life giving a brief recap and insight into ALL the affairs of Men on earth..Thank you Dear MOP, for unraveling some of the limitations/enemies of this mantle. This is what the Apostles did when the Holy Spirit came upon them. While both handled wealth, Solomon was the owner of what he had while Joseph was a distributor of what he had and he didnt own it. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love. 2. You cant buy it. 2Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. So, what do you do? The first two were: Mantles and Anointing, this is where you should start so you can get a foundation in order to understand what you will read here and. Do you know those wealthy people who say they have no intentions of leaving their wealth to their children, instead they will give it to charity? They all worshiped other gods and thats what led him astray. Samuel served under Eli. Ive been using the word Mantle as an ultimate position so far but I want you to think about it as something that is progressive so that you will be able to determine where you are in your own process. Remember David and King Saul? Solomon wrote the wisdom books of Ecclesiastes and Proverbs. It was more than the gift of wisdom. So the entire time until David became King, Saul was acting under the mantle with no anointing. First lets look at Joseph personality and his character: Lets look at the anointing or the gifts that go with this mantle: (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Mantles and Anointings Part 3 - Solomon's Anointing Glory to the Almighty FATHER of all truth. He wasnt even alive to see the deliverance but he believed with his whole heart that God would deliver his people. Guide me by your Holy Spirit every day while I am here to shine your light and be a living epistle for people to see, in Jesus name, Amen. Blessings, I am so blessed with this God bless you and your ministry. This morning I heard the Lord say, "I am breathing afresh upon the Jehu mantle of authority. You can see that with the President, he has secret service and you cant get near to him because he has protection. Joseph practiced servanthood for yearsfirst, he served his father, then Potiphar, then the prison wardenbefore he received the mantle of rulership God destined him for. let me look for the 1&2 articles on mantles anointing then Ill come back to this onesmore .much blessings, may God grant your peace and happiness as you serve him always. 26The seven healthy cows and the seven healthy heads of grain both represent seven years of prosperity. God did not curse the mantle/office of Chief Priest. If the Presidency is a mantle that means that a mantle can be passed without the person dying. Because they dont have a mantle. The ones with Solomons mantle or anointing are not doing that level of warfare. (Acts 6:6, Acts 13:1-3). Consider Becoming a PMT Campus Partner Includes All Ministry Services Listed Below, Campus Partnership $247.00 Monthly Pledge. I Stumbledacross the looking for information about the mantle of wealth after having dream where I was told that the mantle was passed to me. Ease to carry out assignments. Bless you. The CALEB ANOINTING, Mantle, that destroys the demon yokes- Strength and Appetite and MANTLE for Spiritual Warfare! The other thing that I discovered is that the gay community uses the rainbow as their symbol but their flag only has 6 colors and not 7. The current state of the United States of America presidency is a perfect example. There are various types of anointings, and we need to find out what God reveals to us about our individual anointing. Thats why you are reading this. The Mantle and Anointing of Stephen: Serving with Excellence - Revised Its been quite a journey of deliverance on a lot of strongholds and a lot of lessons and its been humbling as well. I made the correction. You have to die to yourself. So start paying attention because there is something on you as well which you may not even realize is there. Do you notice she has her mantle around her? I believe every single one of us was born to wear some level of anointing and mantle. Romans 13:1. This is what the Sovereign of the UK wears and when she passes that mantle it will go to the next person (we think Prince Charles) and he will begin to wear it. Joseph was prophetic and he believed in Gods word up to the very end. Your email address will not be published. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Mantles and Anointings Part 2-The Joseph Anointing, The Hebraic Calendar First Fruits Blessing Prayers, Prophetic Series Part 1 The Gift of Prophecy, developing the spiritual gift of prophecy, the gift of prophecy in the new testament and today, How to start using your Gift of Prophecy Prophetic Series Part 6, understanding the spiritual gift of prophecy, In The Power of His Might: Spiritual Warfare Strategies Volume I, Prophetic Word Pay attention to the Boys, Coronavirus COVID-19 Prayers and Bible Verses, Hedge of Thorns Prayer for the Unfaithful Spouse, A Prayer for Physical Healing against various diseases and illnesses, Binding and Loosing: The keys to the Kingdom and Exercising your Spiritual Authority, Prophetic Word February 2023 -Sauls Armor, You are on a journey and in a process that cannot be rushed, You need to position yourself to receive that mantle. Donate here: She doesnt even want to sing in public. Some say the robe even covered his palm. The mantle requires respect. While she doesnt wear this garment everyday when she is out in public everyone knows she has the mantle of authority. Ultimately, Pharaoh robed Joseph in garments that represented his position as ruler next to Pharoah in Egypt. Consider that one of the reasons David did not kill King Saul when he had a few occasion to do so was he knew Saul was still the King. He used the people in those towns to build and later on when his son Rehoboam was king the people began to complain about the hard labor and heavy taxes they faced at the hand of Solomon (2 Chronicles 10). I will do a post on Joseph and Solomons anointing but I thought it would be more fitting if we first understand what is a mantle and what is the anointing and are they the same thing. Well, anything is possible with God. Dont worry about meeting that person right away. May we never waste time but number our days so we may gain a heart of wisdom. 22In my dream I also saw seven heads of grain, full and beautiful, growing on a single stalk. We should have both. I understood some years ago that Joseph is a type of Christ. The Anointing, the Mantle and the Glory by Frequency Revelator - Ebook | Scribd Enjoy millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more, with a free trial Only $11.99/month after trial. It is a mantle of prayer that prays blessing on family members, neighbors, friends all people everywhere. Understand that God is using it to shape and mold you so that when you step into your assignment you are not only equipped to receive it but you can also maintain it. Sometimes people dont know when they have enough and they just keep going after more and more and more. 7 Ways to Prepare for Your Prophetic Calling, How to Make the Most of Your Mantle from God, Helen CalderEnliven Blog Prophetic Teaching, Enliven Ministries Prophetic ministry for a revival generation. While we may not like warfare, it really shapes and molds us for the future. A mantle is a symbolic representation of the anointing. Now, Ive heard many people sing since the concert and God never reminded me of this event so I knew that God was showing me, she is going to have this anointing. It brings me to tears. He supported him in a menial way and learned at his feet. Yahweh Elohim, you knew me from my mothers womb, you formed and fashioned me with purpose. It is best to wear the one that is God assigned, anointed and appointed. 30But afterward there will be seven years of famine so great that all the prosperity will be forgotten in Egypt. There was a lot of learning, training, serving and suffering that went on prior to that. Lets look at 2 key differences between Solomons Mantle vs Josephs Mantle: Solomons Mantle is intertwined with a kingly anointing so a lot of what Solomon was able to do was tied to his kingly anointing. So God is going to arrange the meeting. He didnt lay hands on anyone, he didnt tell one demon to leave, he just sang a note. That means, the Pharaoh released the guilty man. A mantle is a Scriptural metaphor (symbol) for a calling, ministry, anointing, andwhen applicableoffice, given to individuals by God. However, this time I decided to use it as a teachable moment for those who are having similar experiences or may feel the way you do, even if they may see things differently. My God! Serve them online. So, the take away is this, when you have an anointing it can come and go. Solomon on the other hand never had to go through any of that and because everything was handed to him, it was harder for him to stay on track. So the only thing Solomon got from David was the plans to build the temple and the building materials. You have a process that you have to go through. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure" (1 John 3:2-3). PDF Introduction Five Mantles of Prayer - Unique By Design Like all imagery in the Old Testament, the mantle presents a visible representation of a New Testament principle. Deep level of Intimacy with the Lord. I think one of the greatest misconception is that we keep hearing from the prison to the palace and people assume that overnight they go from one position to the other. This is an awesome article which has been well researched and put together but this is a fly in the ointment. Each mantle and anointing is unique. 33Therefore, Pharaoh should find an intelligent and wise man and put him in charge of the entire land of Egypt. I just want to say thank you this made it more clear to me. He never told the Pharaoh that he was falsely accused like he did when he was in prison. So here are these 2 men and they have dreams which they need interpreted. So David had to get rid of the enemies and fight his way through to the top. He was constantly on the run and in warfare (1 Chronicles 18), 1 Chronicles 22:8-10 the word of the Lord came to me, saying, You have shed much blood and have made great wars; you shall not build a house for My name, because you have shed much blood on the earth in My sight. This post on Solomons Anointing is part of a series. I know I have felt like at times questioning my call as far as ministry. It is interesting that Joseph never went around advertising that he can interpret dream. I know my next steps is to apply Josephs wisdom and to immerse my 21 days of fasting of praying at the beginning of this 2022 for my deliverance and I know I be delivered.! I also think that they thought I was crazy until things I warmed them about- happened while I was safe on a beautiful island with rainbows everyday while the mainland was hit with riots, drama, and now- hate from old men in politics, evangelicals, and too many fake prophets like that ________ guy that wrote a silly book about a Harbinger. Im not God- I believe in the Trinity. Ive been in the refinery process for about 2 years now. 17So Pharaoh told Joseph his dream. I want to leave you with one final thought, reflecting on Josephs Mantle compared to Solomons we have to look at how each of these men ended their assignment. This is more than just favor. There are many people with a kingly anointing that may not have Solomons mantle. We do not self-appoint to a mantle or ministry. You would become so puffed up with pride. If we look at this spiritually, this would be other people in the family of God who are not fully with you. Prophetic word for December 2018 Tevet 5779, The Hebraic Calendar First Fruits Blessing Prayers, pleading the blood of jesus prayer points, Mantles and Anointings Part 3 Solomons Anointing, In The Power of His Might: Spiritual Warfare Strategies Volume I, Prophetic Word Pay attention to the Boys, Coronavirus COVID-19 Prayers and Bible Verses, Hedge of Thorns Prayer for the Unfaithful Spouse, A Prayer for Physical Healing against various diseases and illnesses, Binding and Loosing: The keys to the Kingdom and Exercising your Spiritual Authority, Prophetic Word February 2023 -Sauls Armor. Also notable about Davids mighty men is their loyalty to their King, some were armour bearers too, so I would be thinking about excellence in serving God-given leadership as well. The Anointing, the Mantle and the Glory on Apple Books The reading described me and blessed me. Generally have their eye on the prize. How to Receive the Mantle God Has Destined for You, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Enliven Blog - Prophetic Teaching by Helen Calder. Guide me by your Holy Spirit on how to steward the anointing in a way that will please you. Saying hallelujah or Glory to God or Praise Jesus every other sentence when people are trying to have a conversation with you in the workplace, is not the approach you should take. (1 Kings 11:26-43). Therefore if he attacked him he was coming against the position and authority of his mantle. (1 Samuel 16), Who anointed Elisha? I pray this helped you to understand the mantles and anointings more. Dear blessed MOP team, But I have heard that when you hear about a dream you can interpret it., 16It is beyond my power to do this, Joseph replied. All the people who did you wrong will need to come back to you. Humility arises when we have no other options and we cant think our way out of a situation. And my concern is with Revelations and the Old Testament. How can we receive the mantle God has ordained for us? 27The seven thin, scrawny cows that came up later and the seven thin heads of grain, withered by the east wind, represent seven years of famine (The Spirit of Counsel). Well, he gave the same instructions to his son. People arent going to promote you because you said Praise Jesus 10 times per day. However because this artist entered the stage singing the note, we couldnt get out of our seats. This one is a question please.can you pray the mantle by yourself with out your pastor/spiritual parents? Elishas hunger and pursuit of Elijah were a sign of what God had placed in his heart. He will anoint whomever He wants to accomplish a particular purpose. If you seek him, you will find him. In Part 1, there is a foundational teaching on mantles and anointings. It was a mass deliverance from a single note. The Lord was with him and caused everything he did to succeed. Another question please.can you have many mantles at the same time? I would implore you to read the entire life of Joseph (Genesis 37 - 50), and you will be able to pick up all the points that I am making in this post. am puzzled . That is worthless to His purposes upon the earth. Ive never seen such sorry-looking animals in all the land of Egypt. Meaning, the next level up. What happened is that when he married all of his foreign wives he also inherited the towns and cities as dowry. Elisha served under Elijah. 'Prophetic Prayer' Claims God Has Given Donald Trump 'Anointing for Then I woke up. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Prophetic Word May 2020 Iyyar Second Chances, Prophetic Word No Weapons Forged Against You Shall Prosper, The Hebraic Calendar First Fruits Blessing Prayers, find out what God has written in your scrolls about you, Mantles and Anointings Part 2-The Joseph Anointing, In The Power of His Might: Spiritual Warfare Strategies Volume I, Prophetic Word Pay attention to the Boys, Coronavirus COVID-19 Prayers and Bible Verses, Hedge of Thorns Prayer for the Unfaithful Spouse, A Prayer for Physical Healing against various diseases and illnesses, Binding and Loosing: The keys to the Kingdom and Exercising your Spiritual Authority, Prophetic Word February 2023 -Sauls Armor. But this happened after going through my divorce to a Narcissist who tried to label me crazy bc I knew he was cheating. Help. Good day Thank you for this post. We become so completely surrendered because the only one that can get us out of it is God. 28This will happen just as I have described it, for God has revealed to Pharaoh in advance what he is about to do. Very well said, I agree one should always respect a position even if they do not care for or agree with the person in it. When the opportunity arises you get to tell them why you are good at your job. There is no way you can walk in this mantle and anointing apart from a deep level of intimacy with God. His mantle represented who he was, a Prophet and a Judge to Israel. It is a mantle for a season that the world and the church must go through. I thank the Lord for giving you this revelation. The relationship between these various aspects of God's power is essenti Im sure if you went through the bible and read any of the stories of the greats, Abraham, Moses, David, Deborah, Esther you would probably be able to identify the 7 Spirits of God on them.

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