compassion international lgbt

2005 0 As Ockenga conceived, the Neo-Evangelicals would not, like the fundamentalists had done in the 1920s and 1930s, flee modernity or separate themselves from secular society; they would instead infiltrate (Ockenga used this term) the secular realm, placing their operatives in key positions from which to advance their cause which was the divine redemption of the world, the evangelization of all its peoples, and the establishment of Gods dominion over all sectors of society. 2003 3,500 2007 144,050 A person then either tries to arrange their life in reaction to, or avoidance of, these painful areas 2009 90,000 Hollywood serves up a steady diet of irresponsible sex and violence. As detailed in a investigative report, CEF was one of the leading ministries engaged in the 1992-1997 program under which American evangelicals indoctrinated millions of school children in former Soviet Union countries (see: The ranks of Faith Angle Forum featured authorities informing Americas media elites at the conference are heavily populated with speakers who have been featured at The Gathering. Peter Hammond is co-author of the 2001 book The Pink Agenda: Sexual Revolution in South Africa and the Ruin of the Family. 2002 17,500 2012 313,651 2006 5,000 TheCall held a major stadium rally prior to the 2008 election, but also maintained eight California field offices for turning out the pro-Proposition 8 evangelical church vote. eternal salvation, but also for the transformation of culture and economic life. 2006 90,500 poor. As explained during a 2006 3 and 1/2 special briefing to The Gathering (see: ), The ADF was created expressly to aid existing legal organizations, and local attorneys, in their culture war legal battles; it does not compete with existing Christian right legal organizations, nor does it take over local Christian right legal fights. The World Congress of Families whose conferences have featured anti-gay rights agitators such as Scott Lively, Judith Reisman, and ex-gay consigliere Don Schmierer of Fieldstead and Co. has been designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-gay hate group. 2007 472,812 Since 2010, the AFAs director of Issue Analysis for Government and Public Policy Bryan Fischer has been rebroadcasting tropes originally minted by Scott Lively, that Hitler and top Nazis were gay. In 2005, along with the (NCF-funded) Alliance Defense Fund and (NCF-funded) Becket Fund, Advocates International joined what would be a successful effort to protect the religious free speech rights of Swedish Pentecostal pastor Ake Green (see:, who was being prosecuted under hate speech laws for a 2003 sermon in which Green declared, Is homosexuality genetic or an evil force that plays mind games with people? The International Association of Healing Rooms miracle healing franchise is run by one one of the apostles in the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (formerly the International Coalition of Apostles, led for the decade of the 2000s by church growth guru C. Peter Wagner). Ernest LeFever was president Ronald Reagans first choice, in 1981, for the State Department assistant secretary of human rights but was rejected by the US Senate amid controversy over his stance that abuses of human rights by right wing authoritarian regimes should be addressed via quiet diplomacy; by contrast, LeFever held that the United States should directly confront human rights abuses by communist or socialist regimes. Compassion International began in 1952 in Chicago, IL, as the Everett Swanson Evangelistic Association. Founded in 1952, Compassion partners with more than 8,000 local. De-facto head of the Ethics and Public Policy Center is Vice President Michael Cromartie, a frequently featured speaker at The Gathering. 2012 3,381,000 (The Christian Union) As Don Schmierer explained to The Gathering, on the production of ex-gay training materials. [26] In 2015, Compassion affiliates' offices were raided by tax investigators seeking evidence on whether it was funding religious conversions. 2011 22,500 2006 22,200 Council For Biblical Manhood and Womanhood These powers include the ability to raise the dead, which is frequently attempted at the Bethel Church (see: 2013 109,250. 2013 185,000. 2008 521,098 2011 8,500 2011 373,373 This church runs a local Celebrate Recovery program a national addiction recovery program launched from The Saddleback Church of frequent speaker The Gathering speaker Rick Warren who has been noted for his encouragement of anti-LGBT animosity in Africa and, specifically, Uganda. 2010 93,949345 The College of Prayer works to establish local prayer and worship groups of anti-gay Christian leaders and politicians across Africa and the developing world. [26] Compassion refused to do so as it would be a misuse of funds entrusted to them by donors all around the world. 2010 6,000 As a January 2013 report ( ) from the Southern Education Foundation Georgias Tax Dollars Help Finance Private Schools with Severe Anti-Gay Policies, Practices, & Teachings describes, The Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) accredited 94 private schools in Georgia at the beginning of 2012, 76 of which were eligible to receive tax-funded scholarships. 2010 8,600 2004 3,332,936 2005 5,300 The Villars Consultation was in fact a sub-project in a much wider and more ambitious Ahmanson/Fieldstead project that ran from the 1980s into the early 1990s: the sponsorship of the TURNING POINT Christian Worldview series, a whole line of books (over a dozen) which analyzed and critiqued various contemporary policy issues through a Christian Reconstructionism-informed analytic lens. Louis Palau Association 2013 12,050, Ethics and Public Policy Center (EIN 52-1162185), The Ethics and Public Policy Center advertises itself as dedicated to applying the Judeo-Christian moral tradition to critical issues of public policy. So, the perception of grass-roots organizing, or home rule, is critical. Compassion International | Charity Ratings | Donating Tips | Best 2007 100,000 2013 33,401, Friends of the Bridegroom (EIN 74-2938033), Friends of The Bridegroom is one of the supporting ministries behind the emerging International House of Prayer powerhouse, which had spawned hundreds of connected houses of prayer in the U.S. and internationally. Truro Anglican Church 2011 100 Basic Page - U.S. Agency for International Development (, 2004 100,000 In a 1999 book, NAR leader C. Peter Wagner described one of the key three moral nonnegotiables of New Apostolic churches: Homosexuality is a sin against God [from page 7 of his book Church Quake! God and His Law Regeneration is billed as one of the oldest ex-gay ministries. ex-gay apologetics (see:, 2002 5,000 Various iterations of the First Academy student handbook contain similar provisions (see: Eldridge stressed that the anti-gay movement must be perceived as a genuine grass roots uprising. He said that home rule is important, because a top-down approach doesnt work. During a 2006 three and a half hour presentation at The Gathering, Alliance Defense Fund leaders recalled how Bright co-led, along with the late D. James Kennedy, the initial conference call, of several dozen evangelical organizational leaders, that led to the formation of the ADF. Harvest Evangelism 2003 10,000 2010 3,550 Natural disaster. While Advocates International states that "The goal of AI is justice with compassion in Christ", it also promotes an anti-LGBT agenda and is developing a close working collaboration with related groups, such as the (NCF-funded) Alliance Defending Freedom (formerly Alliance Defense Fund) that are emerging in the forefront of the mounting 2009 16,850 American Vision 2010 1,064,925 Ive given you my role. 2006 601,138 ( Trinity Academy, no EIN given ) 2012 14,200, Dominionist Vision America pastor Rick Scarborough has called upon Christians to get involved in politics and take back America for Christ (see:, In an early 2013 sermon, Scarborough declared, Twenty years ago, who called a sodomite gay? 2012 42,325 We did not eat up to four days a week sometimes. When the Father tells you to do something, Cox says, you dont argue with HimYou dont need to know why. During a 1987 sermon at his church, according to two people who were there, Cox preached that the goal of the charismatics is to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth, adding, The Kingdom of God is not a Democracy. After that sermon, he embraced a member of his flock, Oliver North, Who knows why Thomas attends services at Truro. Even during difficult financial times in the economy, God has blessed Compassion with dedicated sponsors and donors who care deeply about impacting children around the world, allowing our ministry to continue to grow year over year. 2003 500 Internal and independent audits are regularly conducted for our country offices and our Global Ministry Center in Colorado Springs. In 1953, he began to raise funds, and the next year he developed sponsorship programs to help support orphans for a few dollars a month. 2008 1,587,081 During the presentation, one ADF speaker declared that (the principle of) separation of church and state was not in the Constitution. So much hinges on what happens with the full agenda of the militant gay movement.. Describes People For The American Way (see:, For many years, Sheldon carved out a niche for TVC by engaging in unrelenting gay bashing. While Bahatis religious affiliation has been characterized as traditional Anglican, the Truro Church is anything but. 2005 6,000 primarily through child sponsorship and is Christ-centered, church-driven and child-focused. As of when Ahmanson cosponsored the Villars Consultation, he was still serving on Chalcedons board of directors and over the years had been closely mentored by Chalcedon founder R. J. Rushdoony, considered the father of Christian Reconstructionism and whose dying bedside Howard Ahmanson sat vigil at in 2001. Ahmanson was a key financial supporter, up to 1995, of the Christian Reconstructionist Chalcedon Foundation and up to 1995 served on the Chalcedon board of directors. 2003 122,700 There are many charities like World Vision that support Children in need, Compassion International and One Child Matters are two others that come to mind right of hand.) 2012 6,400 2011 1,231,921 2001 24,250 2003 15,400 Eldredges paean to manly aggression has been unexpectedly popular among the former head of the ultra-violent Mexican drug cartels La Familia Michoacana and its successor the Knights Templar, which established their fearsome reputation by committing mass decapitations. It is destroying the souls and lives of those who embrace it. , 2001 200,340 By 2013, based on its $603 million in grants in FY 2012, the National Christian Foundation was judged by the Chronicle of Philanthropy to be Americas 12th biggest private foundation. 2009 328,918 Founded in 1952, Compassion International is a Christian child sponsorship organization dedicated to the long-term development of children living in poverty around the world. 2012 14,650, 2001 1,000 2001 0 2007 2,400 Compassion International | Company Overview & News - Forbes This would include Old Testament scriptural mandates on capital punishment for a range of offenses including adultery, homosexuality, witchcraft, blasphemy, idolatry, female unchastity (sex before marriage), and incorrigible rebelliousness among children. 2013 6,100, Council For National Policy (EIN 72-0921017). 2008 190,400 But is it hopeless? My life is true confirmation that God has a plan for each one of us and has A Director of Opposition Research for the Republican National Committee while in law school, Bauer served, from 1982-1987, as President Ronald Reagans Deputy Under Secretary for Planning and Budget in the Department of Education. 2004 16,400 2008 69,640 Jim Burns Youthbuilders was one of the outlets for training materials created under the auspices of a team brought together by Howard Ahmansons unincorporated Fieldstead & Co. to form a strategy for combating organized homosexuality. One of the listed members of the Luis Palau Associations Next Generation Alliance (see: ) has been Ugandan Evangelist Julius Peter Oyet, who is in turn a member of of the Uganda branch of Silvosos International Transformation Network. Both scientific research and the personal experience of thousands of people show that a homosexual orientation can usually be unlearned. As the Southern Poverty Law Center puts it, Paul Cameron is an infamous anti-gay propagandist whose one-man statistical chop shop, the Family Research Institute, churns out hate literature masquerading as legitimate science. 2006 26,600 Africa Inland Mission International 2013 177,877 (South Tampa Fellowship). 2011 2,000 The NAR and its charismatic predecessor movements (often referred to under the umbrella term Neo-Pentecostalism) are especially committed to opposing LGBT rights, and their demon-obsessed theology a particularly potent weapon for attacking LGBT populations and other targeted societal groups has been promoted by AIC churches since the early 1990s (see footnote), when American evangelicals began heavily exporting their Neo-Pentecostal Spiritual Warfare/Spiritual Mapping ideas and practices, especially to to Africa. For more information, visitcompassion.comor follow us onFacebook,Instagram, andTwitter. to orphans living on the streets of South Korea during the Korean War, Compassion has Teen Mania Ministries 2010 296,490 (1,500 to AFA radio ) TruthXchange 2011 8,660 2010 48,712 The Truro Church, both dominionist and heavily charismatic, has boasted some of the most prestigious members of Washingtons hard right political elite. We've discovered that changed circumstances rarely change people's lives, while changed people inevitably change their circumstances. 2012 0, Military Ministry EIN 95-6006173 Through COR, the numerically small Christian Reconstructionist movement has been able to. Compassion coordinates every aspect of the trip, including travel, meals, tips and gratuities, fees related to the travel, and sightseeing fares. It seems that, historically, the Christian evangelical movement is one of the few that has allowed children to remain a second-rate mandatethe Great Omission in the Great Commission., Bushs book also states, Secular education does not enlighten; rather, it dims ones grasp of the real reality rooted in scripture Godless secular indoctrination is an age-old problem.. 2010 82,788 2006 46,350 [3] Swanson had traveled there to preach the gospel to the US Army troops, but during his visit he was deeply moved by the plight of the scores of abandoned children he saw. 2003 0 2005 51,320 Many believed it helped defuse the radical leftist movement on that campus. While Advocates International states that The goal of AI is justice with compassion in Christ, it also promotes an anti-LGBT agenda and is developing a close working collaboration with related groups, such as the (NCF-funded) Alliance Defending Freedom (formerly Alliance Defense Fund) that are emerging in the forefront of the mounting international war on gay rights (see: 2009 19,500 A new ex-gay umbrella organization, the Restored Hope Network, is positioned to fill the niche once occupied by Exodus. Pacific Justice Institute Compassion. I want you to know that all you did made a difference, and it was all worth it. Portland Fellowship 2005 109,750 2002 20,300 2012 0 In its support of WCF, E&PPC has been joined by Fieldstead and Company, the major philanthropic vehicle for anti-LGBT rights funder Howard Ahmanson. 2007 40,004 2013 166,250. An Iowa newspaper editor fired after publishing his views on homosexuals is claiming he was the victim of religious discrimination by his former employer. 2002 0 . 2007 209,350 2009 3,300 Oyet claims to have helped conceive the Ugandan Anti Homosexuality Bill and has forthrightly stated that the Bible mandates the death penalty for homosexuality. In this paradigm, Homosexuality is generally understood as, variously, caused by or association with demon possession or demonization; homosexual acts open the door to those conditions. 2010 81,623 Theres no female dog that mates with a female dog, theres no male dog that lusts after a male dog. 2002 0 Spavia International, LLC Assistant Spa Manager Job in Ann Arbor, MI This year, for the first time ever, several Compassion alumni returned to write one last letter to their former sponsors in this inspiring video. CSP gives school presentations and promotes the establishment of Bible clubs in schools. 2004 20,000 Stephen Langa has been widely recognized as one of the leading Ugandan figures lobbying for passage of the Anti Homosexuality Bill. Javascript is required on this website, please Enable Javascript in your browser, Christian Child Sponsorship - Compassion - Child Charity Organization. child sponsorship is THE most effective long-term development intervention for helping the 2012 see CCCs Jesus Film Project (over $12 million in FYI 2012) Giglio had accepted an invitation to give the benediction at President Obamas second inaugural, but withdrew after a mid-1990s sermon surfaced in which the Atlanta pastor opposed homosexual conduct. 2010 55,800 2007 15,000 2010 8,000 In his 1986 book Kingdoms At War: Tactics For Victory In Nine Spiritual War Zones, Bright openly endorsed both the theocratic Coalition on Revival (see: and the writings of top Christian Reconstructionists including R. J. Rushdoony. 2010 26,875 The problem, according to Eldredge, is an emasculating overemphasis on manners: Where are all the real men? is regular fare for talk shows and new books. 2006 111,500 In an indication of how far the Truro Anglican Church has drifted towards New Apostolic Reformation movement, in January 2014 the church held a Sozo Prayer Training Seminar. 10% of Compassion International employees are Black or African American. 2010 700 (see: ) 2009 5,000 It has been 11 years since I graduated the Compassion Program. 2005 500 We were expecting maybe 25 members of parliament and 75 other city leaders. 2006 24,000 Compassion International has 3,000 employees, of which 39 are in a leadership position. Evangelism Explosion When you sponsored me, I was just another malnourished kid with brown hair, a big stomach and weak bones. 2003 506,103 In a June 23, 2014 E&PCC op-ed, E&PCC fellow Roger Scruton, in Why Iraq is a Write-Off argued that the Iraq debacle was somehow inevitable because of the 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement in which Britain, France, and Russia negotiated the carving up of the Ottoman Empire. 2001 700 2012 0, Christian Embassy EIN 95-6006173 ( CCC ministry, evangelizes on Capital Hill and in the Pentagon ), 2001 5,000 Reviews by Gary North and others in Rushdoonys movement praised Schlossbergs book for its presentation of Christian Reconstructionist ideas. Founder and director of mission at Global Mobilization Ministries is Alison Barfoot, who is described as a key actor directing the Uganda Anglican Church towards an oppositional stance towards homosexuality in the book American Culture Warriors in Africa: A Guide To The Exporters of Homophibia and Sexism ( 2014, Political Research Associates). Longtime head of The Family Douglas Coe is one of the three agents of The International Foundation listed on its 2012 990 tax form as having received financial compensation from the nonprofit. 2013 2,000. 2011 34,000 MDentistry: advancing health through education, service, research and discovery. 2002 11,000 (Eternal Perspectives) 2008 35,000 How does Compassion work? 2008 227,000 During his March 2008 visit to Uganda to promote his Purpose Driven program in Uganda, Warren told Orombi and other Ugandan religious leaders that Homosexuality is not a natural way of life and thus not a human right. History of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Social Movements California Family Council Compassion International is the world's largest Christian child development organization. Everett Swanson was on a successful preaching tour in South Korea when he encountered the bitter poverty of Korea's unwanted children. expanded to serve over 25 different countries and over four million children. 2007 36,000 2005 27,840 2004 16,000 2004 4,000 Over the decades since its 1976 launch, E&PPC has functioned as the cutting edge of the neoconservative-driven culture war against progressive theology and secularism (see: ). States prominent Christian Reconstructionist David Chilton, The Christian goal for the world, is the universal development of Biblical theocratic republics.. 2008 0 (see: ), In early 2014, Moore mailed letters Wednesday to all 50 governors urging them to get their legislatures to call for a convention to add an amendment to the U.S. Constitution saying the only union recognized by state and federal governments is the union of one man and one woman., reported the Associated Press (see:, Freedom in Christ Ministries (EIN 33-0361836), A practicing exorcist, Neil T. Anderson, is considered one of the leading Protestant authorities on techniques to expel (demon deliverance) demon spirits alleged to possess human beings. 2011 10,000 2009 2,099,144 Minnesota Family Institute and Council Husbands are to provide loving, sacrificial leadership for the family. This education session was hosted by the AMA LGBT Advisory Committee. 2005 27,500 (see: The former head of late TV preacher D James Kennedys now defunct dominionist Center For Reclaiming America For Christ, Gary Cass has been a featured speaker at Christian Reconstructionist conferences (see: But in all cases, we provide love, education, As a June 30, 2015 AIC Kenya Facebook page post ( ) states, The US Supreme Court has ruled that same-sex marriage is a legal right across the United States. 2006 5,500 And for all the encouragement, prayers and support. 2012 177,350 ), 2001 25,000 2012 17,050, Great Commission Foundation EIN 35-1057090 Tjey are pain-management coping mechanisms. At the presentation, a program director for the Maclellan Founbdation solicited funds (through an anonymizing mechanism, likely a donor-advised fund) to implement the plan. Rushdoony, introducing Whitehead at a Reconstructionist conference, called him a man chosen by God. Rushdoony then spoke of our plans, through Rutherford, to fight the battle against statism and the freedom of Christs Kingdom. The Rutherford Institute was founded as a legal project of R. J. Rushdoonys Chalcedon Foundation, with Rushdoony and fellow Chalcedon director Howard Ahmanson on its original board of directors. Deliverance is the frequently used shorthand for deliverance from demon spirits, otherwise known as exorcism. ) What Current, Past, and 'Never' Child Sponsors Think - News & Reporting Kennedys many projects included the Center For Reclaiming America, known for its patronage and promotion of leading Christian Reconstructionists. 2012 100,893, Minneosta Teen Challenge (EIN 41-1517351), Teen Challenge is a an international network of addiction recovery centers run by the Pentecostal denomination the Assemblies of God. 2008 225,855 2004 0 In 2010 Christian Union organized rallies at Princeton, Dartmouth, U Penn, and Yale for the virulently anti-gay ministry the International House of Prayer, which was featured heavily in the 2013 award-winning documentary God Loves Uganda (see: 2010 100 On one tape, the Rev. 2010 113,000 Foundation For Moral Law God freely forgives those who repent of a godless lifestyle including materialism, adultery, prostitution or any homosexual or heterosexual sin, If you or a loved-one want help escaping from the gay misery, help is available from dozens of ex gay Christian ministries around the country. 2011 226,655 2006 500 The legal organizations supported by ADF (most of which are also funded by the National Christian Foundation) represent most of the anti-reproductive rights and anti-LGBT rights legal activism in America and are now playing, as well, a major role in mounting international efforts to restrict LGBT rights. As of January2019[update] the cost to sponsor a child through Compassion was US$38 per month, and globally there were over two million babies, children, and young adults in its programs. In early 2015, leading up the oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court concerning the constitutionality of same-sex marriage, the Liberty Counsel organized a Defend Marriage Pledge, who signatories wanted to warn the Court not to cross the redline of natural marriage (see: ), 2004 15,000 2006 6,500 The termites are in charge now, and that is not the way it ought to be, and the time has arrived for a godly fumigation. (Pat Robertson, as quoted by New York Magazine, August 18, 1986), Feminism has also attracted Robertsons ire. 2002 6,900 2007 70,500 This is a God-fearing nation and we will be firm on what is right.. 2012 6,500 2009 110,180 Henry Orombi, former Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, served as Chancellor of Uganda Christian University from 2004-1012. 2007 400 2001 0 2002 15,300 You asked them be women, I want to say. After graduating from Covenant College, an elite fundamentalist Presbyterian school (We are a community committed to the Bible as the inerrant Word of God, and everything we do is grounded in our Reformed theology and worldview) which over the years has received heavy funding from the Maclellan Foundation, the young Michael Cromartie was chosen to serve as Charles Colsons special assistant for Prison Fellowship Ministries (see: ). I have never met a former white, former black, or a former hispanic In contrast, the homosexual lifestyle is immoral, and a matter of personal choice, not unalterable destiny. During that 2006 ADF briefing to The Gathering, Family Research Council head Tony Perkins gave a special presentation in which Perkins declared the LGBT rights movement to be the second most dire threat to America next to militant Islam. 2007 1,108,780 2005 20,750 2005 46,825 To learn more about sponsoring a child, visit 2005 427,500 On the international front, Focus on The Familys more recent active participation in the World Congress of Families which has included the participation of top Focus on the Family leaders in WCF planning sessions further underlines the fact that the softening of FoFs anti-LGBT rhetoric has been mainly a public relations ploy. Explains author and researcher Rachel Tabachnick, [Theocratic libertarianism] would dramatically reduce the federal government and control society through enforcement of biblical law at the local and state levels. Yes. All pupils and parents are required to sign the document. (source: ), 2003 75,000 ( Trinity Academy, no EIN given ) Leviticus 20:13 states: If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. 2007 30,400 A 2010 story ( ) features video footage of former Teen Challenge center pastor Nancy Alcorn, who runs the National Christian Foundation-funded Mercy Ministries, telling a church audience why her ministry relies on exorcism, rather than medication, to cure mental health problems allegedly caused by demons that attach themselves to their victims because of lust, pornography, and promiscuous sexual activity.

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