can i give my cat expired amoxicillin

Changes in health status, other concurrent conditions, and the addition of new medications or supplements could make an old prescription inappropriate. Cats are prone to contracting bacterial, fungal or viral diseases that left untreated can lead to significant health complications. } If only a month and year are listed, the medication is expired on the last day of the listed month. This medication is costly. align-items: center; A large and important part of the immune system is located in the gut. Cats can be given amoxicillin. To know about amoxicillin dosage for cats by weight, please look at the below dosage chart by weight. Some last a very long time, up to several years. Your veterinarian may help prescribe the antibiotic dose for your kitty after observing physically. Apart from feeling pretty stupid for not knowing of this basic law (it's an FDA regulation), I had this immediate, visceral reaction to this information: That's just wrong! So your vet will be careful about the dose they give you for your cat. Self-educated pet care nerd. wants you to know why the dates on your pets medications matter. This product is Clavamox. Dr. Chris Vanderhoof is a 2013 graduate of the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine (VMCVM) at Virginia Tech, where he also earned a Masters in Public Health. Symptoms usually end when administration does. Amoxicillin is a broad spectrum antibiotic, PetPlace may be compensated when you click on or make a purchase using the links in this article. If any drug is administered improperly, it can have adverse side effects, even antibiotics. All opinions are those of the Irreverent Veterinarian and not the views of and are not endorsed by It may be tempting just to toss them in this weeks garbage collection or flush them, but that often isnt the responsible choice because: Instead, you should take them to a facility with a drug take back program in the area or find a drug disposal facility. WebIs Amoxicillin Safe for Cats? } This being the law and all that. Consult with your veterinarian to ensure you are treating the correct affliction in the most effective way possible. (However, the cholesterol was 427, but that vet didnt have us 12 hour fast Willy. A large and important part of the immune system is located in the gut. display: flex; However, since kittens are vulnerable and are yet to establish a clinical history, a veterinarian will need to determine the right course of action. Copyright 2023 Upgrade Your Cat | | As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Others stop the bacteria from growing, making them bacteriostatic. If your January purge includes decluttering your medicine cabinet, you might find yourself wondering how important those dates stamped on various pharmaceuticals really are. They can come as tablets, in liquid form, drops, cream or an injection. That's wasteful! Your veterinarian can better decide the safe dose of Amoxicillin for your feline after observing the severity of the illness and your cat physically. If side effects like these continue, its important to ask your vet for further advice. Studies have shown that amoxicillin for cats can be very effective against some of the most common bacteria found in these wounds. If there was extra gingivitis present that led to more bleeding during cleaning or if a lot of extra scaling under the gums was needed, your vet may have felt that an anti-inflammatory was warranted to ensure your kitty was more comfortable after going home. It does so by blocking bacteria's protein-creating process, a process on which the bacteria depend for survival. WebThe easiest way to give your cat liquid medication is to mix it in with some canned food. The reason is that it will lose its potency over time, and it may even cause your symptoms to worsen. It does so by blocking bacteria's protein-creating process, a process on which the bacteria depend for survival. Doing so frequently can make the medication ineffective. WebIf you still have a to wait a few days to see the vet I would go to a local pet store and find some probiotics or Bene-Bac to add to what he's eating It'll help provide beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract that may have been lost due to the over use of antibiotics, this is probably causing the loose stool, but a vet would dive deeper into You might be wondering about the amoxicillin dosage for cats. Neurologic changes, like an inability to walk normally (termed ataxia) have been reported in dogs, as well as elevated heart rate and breathing changes. The topic that Ill address today isHow Long Do Expired Medications Really Last? That is the human form of amoxicillin with clavulanic acid. Amoxicillin administered to humans is very different from the veterinary formulation.This variation arises from the chemical components used in making human-grade amoxicillin that can be toxic to canines.These chemicals include Studies have shown that amoxicillin is effective against bacteria found in the skin and mouth. With Amoxicillin taking expired ones would just mean they might not work, other antibiotics, like the tetracyclines can actually cause kidney damage if they are old. Follow the dosing instructions provided by your veterinarian. If used to treat other bacterial infections it will have no effect at all. padding: 15px 5px 15px 5px; As far as the anti-inflammatories for 3 days goes, there may be no right or wrong answer there. In immunocompromised people, this infection can be fatal. Cholesterol, while sometimes relevant for our patients, is far less relevant compared to people, as pets do not develop the same type of diseases from high cholesterol, like atherosclerosis and risk for heart attacks. This is because they are more likely to get into fights with other cats or injure themselves on hazardous material leading to an infected wound. These types of medicines are still saving lives today. Typically, this date is clearly stamped or printed on the container provided by the manufacturer. He completed a rotating internship with Red Bank Veterinary Hospital in New Jersey and now works as a general practitioner in the Washington D.C. area. If you miss a dose, give it to your cat unless it's almost time for the next dose. As with any drug, we need to be careful. Newborn kittens are susceptible to antibiotics. It is frequently combined with clavulanic acid as this helps to beat bacterial resistance. So, your pets expired meds dont exactly turn into a pumpkin after they reach their expiration date, but there are some good reasons to dispose of them. Thank god his appetite is very good and he eats everything so the infection is not affecting his eating. Sometimes I think the pharmacy industry protests too much on their own behalf. Here an important thing to be noted is that there are many varieties of antibiotics Amoxicillin available, so your veterinarian can better decide which one will be safe for your kitty. Non-castrated males are also more susceptible since they are more likely to fight or get into mischief. Administering Amoxicillin prescribed for human use to your cat may do serious harm. Do not overdose on the medicine. While you can safely store the medication after its expiration date, it is not recommended. The other argument is that unless extractions are being performed which requires tissue healing, or unless a pet has heavy dental disease with concern for pre-existing infection, that antibiotic use during or following a dental cleaning is not needed and would only contribute to antibiotic resistance. Hi Chris. They can also be seen on or in the stool. The expiration date is always one year out unless the manufacturer's expiration date precedes it. Veterinary Website by Beyond Indigo Pets. If your cat spends time outside or around other cats, she might get into a fight. This type of antibiotic for cats is also used in the treatment of urogenital problems, often affecting males due to their protruding genitals. The dosage and frequency can vary depending on the type of infectious condition being treated, so its always best for your kittys vet to determine what is most appropriate. - Uses, Dosage and Side Effects, we recommend you visit our Medicine category. -Urine does not have the strong urea smell or discoloration .medication-table h2{ Indiscriminate use of any antibiotic can lead to resistant bacterial populations, which make treating infections more difficult. Fleming discovered penicillin growing as a mold in Fleming's laboratory. As it turns out, I did some research on this a few days before Willys recent cleaning to learn this is highly recommended because under anesthesia Cats (and dogs too, probably) cant vomit up a recent meal choking on it and sending it down into the lungs to cause potentially severe complications. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to margin: 0 auto; Nonprofit vets can be found. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Apr 22, 2017 at 17:55 Harry V. 5,989 2 16 35 It can decrease her willingness to use the litter box. The Irreverent Veterinarian is a columnist that regularly contributes to If you want to read similar articles to Can You Give Cats Amoxicillin? While a UTI may be more likely in a female cat, we can also see conditions like bladder stones, and stress-related urinary conditions like idiopathic cystitis, which arent treated with antibiotics. In that case, you can skip the missed dose. Animal Medical Hospital, Animal Medical Hospital and 24 Hour Urgent Care. Antibiotics are a class of medication used to treat bacterial infections. Amoxicillin antibiotic is not approved by FDA for pet use but still veterinarians around the world often prescribe it for cats due to its tonic health properties. Amoxicillin comes in a liquid suspension, tablet, and capsule forms. When we dispense a medication for your pet, an expiration date is also printed on the prescription label. Cats should never be given Amoxicillin prescribed for human use, however convenient it may be for pet owners. Humans can get parasitic worms, such as feline tapeworm, if infected fleas are swallowed. Other precautions to guard against this are taken as well, including the placement of the endotracheal tube that seals off the airway and is only removed once the pet can start swallowing again. Hi Jennifer, thanks for your question. Amoxicillin as an antibiotic comes in several different forms and dosages. Keflex is the antibiotic of choice, but Ill guess your cat is a male. Every feline medication needs proper administration. You can give your cat Fish Mox (50mg 2-3 times per day). In these cases you will need to go to the veterinarian to stop the effects or even a veterinary hospital in case of emergency. Having a 6 month old kitten that is less than 2 pounds is certainly something to be concerned about but unfortunately there really could be a number of things contributing to your little kittens condition. Make sure to wash your hands before and after giving the medication. Salivation in excess. She has also been grunting a lot. For example, it is commonly prescribed for treatment of infected wounds and abscesses. Image from Instagram:@petdiseasealerts It would be prudent not to give your dog any human amoxicillin. I poured 90% of the capsule out and she swallowed the other 10%. I clipped my cats claw to deep now it seems infected and is swollen I have been cleaning and wrapping it some times it looks to be getting better then it doesnt A Vet is out of the question as they charge to much up front and wont do payment plans Can I give him a small dose of amoxicillin? Amoxicillin for cats is often used. Incomplete antibiotic courses, even if not expired, can result in lack of treatment, subjecting the pet to relapse or even antibiotic resistance. .cliverse-medication-title{ If not 50mg available, open the 250 mg capsule and divide it into fifths. I think my cat might have a UTI because shes having trouble releasing a full bladder and/or having the urge to go when she doesnt really need to. But this is Make sure to talk to your veterinarian about any signs or problems you might be seeing. Tetracycline for cats is a multipurpose antibiotic typically available as a capsule or tablet. flex-wrap: wrap; Those outdoor kitties need our help too. Speaking with your own vet is usually best to best understand the rationale for certain decisions. The same basic effects of the drug work on cats and can be used to treat a wide variety of ailments, which we detail below. These are also often treatable with amoxicillin. There is also tetracycline ointment for cats. Yes, in an ideal and safe dose Amoxicillin is safe for your cat. How much amoxicillin can I give my cat? Answer: Only if Approved by Your Vet Amoxicillin specifically targets certain strains of bacteria and therefore is not prescribed for all kinds of infections. If no date can be found, it is safest to consider a medication expired six months after being dispensed. It would be much too high a dose and because of how it kills bacteria and works in the body, must be given at least twice a day for several days at least. Read between the lines: We don't want to be legally responsible. Animal Skin and Allergy Clinic Staff, Sluggish Pet? Therefore, probiotics for cats also help support healthier immunity. The blood work-up was normal. Prescription Required? Liquid amoxicillin needs to be kept in the refrigerator except when you are giving it to your cat. Veterinarians try their best to ensure their patients are not in any pain. WebThe easiest way to give your cat liquid medication is to mix it in with some canned food. Yes, in an ideal and safe dose Amoxicillin is safe for your cat. WebIs Amoxicillin Safe for Cats? Corticosteroids suppress the immune system (among other things) and if your pet has an infection of any sort, they can make your pets condition worse rather than better. Oral amoxicillin, like many broad-spectrum antibiotics, can alter the normal, beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract, which is often a cause of digestive upset if it occurs. This could mean that if one of the kitties truly became ill, a medication like Amoxi-Drops or Clavamox may not be as effective as it would otherwise be. If only a month and year are listed, the medication is expired on the last day of the listed month. Is there anything over the counter I can use too. It makes it even more potent and long-lasting. But unfortunately, I would feel that the addition of the fish amoxicillin capsules is misguided for two reasons. Amoxicillin can be given 5 to 10mg per pound of cat. Read between the lines some more: Limiting the expiration date is an easily defensible way to encourage more drug sales. However, not all antibiotics work for all bacteria, not all infections are bacterial, not all human drugs can be used on cats and not all infections require antibiotics. Antibiotics, including amoxicillin, can cause a range of side effects for cats. You might need to repeat blood tests to check for this type of disease process. The most common potential side effects are gastrointestinal problems. The large volume of urine output and the increased need to drink are not uniquely associated with a UTI but we can see these changes with other metabolic or endocrine diseases, like kidney disease, diabetes, etc. If a medication is past the expiration date determined by the manufacturer, it is best not to use it. It is also more effective than another medication relative, ampicillin. Disposing of drugs, particularly controlled substances, is not always straightforward. All medications that we prescribe to our patients come with an expiration date. Our customer service department gets a lot of emails from cat lovers about every type of question you can imagine about cats. It is also important to remember that amoxicillin is a medication. Regular use of probiotics for cats can prevent digestive issues and ease symptoms like vomiting, stomach irritation, constipation, and diarrhea. The most common form given to cats is the liquid suspension or the tablets, both in specific veterinary preparations. Amoxicillin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribed by veterinarians to treat various infections in dogs and cats. Which is why I took a look at a local hospital's Rx labels (from a patient who had been transferred that morning). WebIt is unusual for a cat to have high blood pressure in isolation from something like chronic kidney disease. If my pet wasitching and it was 3 am and all I had was some expired Benadryl Id probably try it. Lack of appetite and refusal to eat. So How much Amoxicillin is safe for cats, and what is Amoxicillin for cats dosage chart by weight. Or can I do 85 mg 170 mg x probably 7 days (since he is a male)? DONT start using an antibiotic you happen to have left over from the last time. Your local environmental authorities, department of public health, or DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) can also be helpful in determining the best way to dispose of expired medications. Get it on Chewy Clavamox (Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid). If you suspect that your cat has an illness warranting an antibiotic, such as amoxicillin, make an appointment with your vet for a thorough evaluation. How much should I give? Though I'd never heard of this law, it seems pharmacists are required to attach a one-year expiration date to all of the drugs they dispense. This includes sticking to the timetable for giving it that your veterinarian has prescribed. Tablet, Liquid Medication still in powder form is probably still good for 1 to 2 years beyond the expiration on the label. This commentary allows vets to say what they think and give you, the pet owner, the opportunity to consider another view. WebSo, can I give my cat amoxicillin? While there are many medicines suitable for human use which are unsuitable for cats, amoxicillin is not one of them. Corticosteroids suppress the immune system (among other things) and if your pet has an infection of any sort, they can make your pets condition worse rather than better. He completed a rotating internship with Red Bank Veterinary Hospital in New Jersey and now works as a general practitioner in the Washington D.C. area. Antibiotics are slowly losing their effectiveness, this is called antibiotic resistance. If your kitty will take a pill mixed with or hidden in food or a treat, this is often easiest and involves the least amount of struggle. Always make sure to give an antibiotic prescribed by your vet for the full number of days indicated, even if your kitty looks like hes feeling better. This last is the part that can be hard to determine with many products. FDA Approved? If we see that our cat is suffering from an infection, we will want to do anything we can to help ease any suffering. Do you need to toss all those partially used medications you have stashed in your pets medical supplies? Amoxicillin is an antibiotic called an aminopenicillin. To ensure that your cat swallows all of the medication, it is best to mix it into a small amount of canned food that you feed by hand, rather than mixing it into a full bowl of food that the cat may not completely eat. If we do see any adverse side effects from amoxicillin for cats, we need to inform the vet. All drugs originating from our pharmacy will have one displayed on the label. There may be a telemedicine service you could look into that might be less expensive and less stressful for your kitty for a situation like this if healing delays continue. Often extra-label higher doses are used by vets. Some, like amoxicillin, are bactericidal, which means they kill the bacteria. Hi, I dont know where youre located, but maybe a rescue or a city shelter can help. margin: 0!important; Also, sometimes your cat might get a scrape that gets infected. Yesterday's Morning Edition on NPR featured Joanne Silberner's report on human drugs and their expiration dates. Liquid and other mixed prescriptions should be discarded after two weeks. There are specific times with the medication might be most useful. Question 1: Is this really recommended? Many insulin medications expire 30 days form the date you open them. You're free to offer your own below. Because amoxicillin-clavulanate, commonly known as the brand Clavamox, has a broader spectrum of action against some bacteria, it is more commonly used than regular amoxicillin, especially for cats. For more information, please contact us. But beyond that, I cannot assist with specific dosing for your cat beyond what is generally found in the article. The more bacterial resistance increases as a society, the more powerful antibiotics need to be. : Generally, an antibiotic injection is fast acting, which means it might help your pet feel better soon after she receives the shot. Thank you so much doctor for your time and reading my problem please help me and tell me what to do and what dose and how many times a day ( Since I cant go to a vet because there is no one near me unless If I drove for 3 hours and I cant) + please excuse my bad English (Im not a native speaker) thank you so so much again. Are they good longer than this? But it's not fair! No matter whether it is given orally or topically, tetracycline destroys bacterial infections. font-size: 24px; Certified Content. Cats should never be given Amoxicillin prescribed for human use, however convenient it may be for pet owners. As such, amoxicillin is readily prescribed for some very common maladies. Yes Most people have been on antibiotics at some point, as well. In any pet showing such signs, but especially in cats, it is important to get an actual diagnosis if possible before considering antibiotics. display: flex; text-align: center; (2007). Throwing up. Always, Disposing of drugs, particularly controlled substances, is not always straightforward. Kittens can also have certain viral infections that are routinely tested for that can contribute to poor growth and health problems. While we should always take the prescribed dosage, some people either do not or for whatever reason have some extra in their medicine cabinet. The amoxicillin dosage may vary from cats to cats and depends on several factors, including size, body weight, the severity of the disease, and overall health condition of the feline. you might argue. Albendazole for Cats - Uses, Dosage and Side Effects, Meloxicam for Cats - Uses, Dosage, and Side Effects, Famciclovir for Cats - Uses, Dosage and Side Effects, Omeprazole for Cats - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects, Procox for Cats - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects, Dexamethasone for Cats - Uses, Dosage and Side Effects, Ranitidine for Cats - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects, Ketoconazole for Cats - Uses, Dosage and Side Effects. Allergic reactions are not as common as with people. One of the most obvious positive sides to these antibiotics is how fast they enter your cats system. Liquid amoxicillin needs to be kept in the refrigerator except when you are giving it to your cat. If no date can be found, it is safest to consider a medication expired six months after being dispensed. Indoor cats are less likely to come home bearing the scars of a fight, but can still fall victim to diseases. Tetracycline for cats is a multipurpose antibiotic typically available as a capsule or tablet. Doing your part to observe and honor them helps us know that your pet is treated according to the highest standards of veterinary medicine, and we are proud to help achieve that. Expiration dates are only achieved when a medication is stored according to directions (look at temperature, light exposure, humidity, etc.). Please help me. The side effects of vet-prescribed Amoxicillin for cats can be: shortness of breath, rash, vomiting, nausea, and abdominal pain. If a medication is past the expiration date determined by the manufacturer, it is best not to use it. There are several factors that can affects the shelf life including exposure to light, lack of appropriate refrigeration, and eventuallythe chemical instability of the product that can occur with time. This is understandable. The educational cat health content on is written by or reviewed by our team of veterinary experts to ensure that its in line with the latest evidence-based veterinary information and health guidelines. Amoxicillin is often given to cats with outside access. In rare cases it can cause more serious side effects such as unusual bleeding and even seizures. Amoxicillin interacts with some other drugs which may be given to cats. As mentioned before, amoxicillin isn't used in cases where viruses or fungal infections are suspected. Cats that suffer from a serious condition will have weaker immune systems and will therefore be more likely to contract bacterial and other infections. margin: 0; However, overdosing or giving it incorrectly is toxic for the felines. This being the law and all that. Male cats also are more susceptible to sterile urinary bladder and tract inflammation, and urinary blockages which can appear very much like a UTI but arent responsive to antibiotics. The liquid amoxicillin is generally at a concentration of 100 milligrams per milliliter. to be sure that you are doing things properly. While there are many medicines suitable for human use which are unsuitable for cats, amoxicillin is not one of them. A much more serious parasitic worm is Toxoplasma gondii, the infection of which being called toxoplasmosis. Currently parent of three adopted cats and one small mutt.

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