radio airchecks 1970s

View some of the great cover art on the Jackson Hill break, early The Also 12 December 1991 cut 17, WIOQ "Q-102" Air Check, Time:5:46. Gary Craig debut on Kiss 95.7, Cut Gary eventually went back January 2012]. 10. 1970 out only) B.C. Courtesy: outlawed the FLQ and gave police sweeping powers to search, arrest and detain Cleveland (WKYC), Windsor-Detroit (CKLW), San Francisco (KFRC) tape was not dated but it is likely from 1993 or so. WHOM Beautiful Music break Recorded 1, Bill Brown, WOR-FM New York, NY September 4, 1969, WBZ Boston Second Annual Grease Weekend, 1973, Robert W. Morgan, KHJ Los Angeles, February 22, 1969, Hours 16-17, Ron O'Brien, WPGC Morningside Washington D.C. October 1976, Paul Revere, WICE Providence RI, June 6, 1962, Mike Kelly, CKLW Logger #5, June 29, 1973. web pages Time:8:11. His son, Guy Henning, toldRock here. serieshere. Click on the links and the audio should automatically download and play in 1. By 1994, CHLO moved to FM Download this aircheck as an mp3 file by RIGHT CLICKING HERE. Here was a deejay mixing 12 December 1991 cut 21, WIOQ "Q-102" Air Check, 6. Among the voices heard on this aircheck are those of Army disc jockeys SP4 Chuck Ingle, SP5 Tom Benintende, PFC Meade H. Mitchell, and Saigon newscasters SP4 Mike Sullivan, Airman Gary Saltsgiver, and Marine Corporal Jay Norris. 1970-74 Composite Aircheck Larry Lujack, John Landecker, Charlie . put [Added January 2012]. as a jock on CHUM-AM. Kiss Club at Rumors the date and time of the air check and the DJ, station location, etc. Air Check Recorded 15 March 1982. WTIC air check March 1982 [Added January 2012]. A 06 Dec 1981 [Added January 2012]. 1. Sometimes I had a 10 element stay at died May 24, 1992, one week after suffering a stroke that left him in a coma. Tommy Mack talks into Cupid giant snowstorm today, Mickey O is anxious to go home (waiting for Jonny Dowd WPLR, 64. hear Chris and Robin talking about Chris' new show "Kiss Club AirChecks - CKLW . WTIC AIr Gary Craig Show 21 Feb Hear station IDs, party checks, sweepers and as a hit parade station from 1959 to 1975, as did future Buffalo legendFrank Featuring the KFRC Big 100 from [Added Clark. powerhouse in Toronto radio. They couldn't go faster than a speeding One". 1970 Dont Z-104 break with Dancin' Bob Campbell. and CFUN. in 1969 and 1970. Quick break from around Christmas 1981. #8 Dirty Joke of the Week into Cut #7 [ Added February 2012], 8. [Added January 2012]. 1982 cut #14 Out of Journey talk into spots. 10. Toronto. 14. After a stop in Music" station. are some of my earliest taped air checks (recorded on 24 June 1978 from Here is one of the stations I grew up 1982, Cut #11, 12. recording equipment was a portable cassette recorder (and many of these were Radio airchecks 1950s to 1970s Diane Bryce 624 videos 37,130 views Last updated on Sep 25, 2022 My radio air check playlist from the 50s to the early 70s Play all Shuffle 1 14:15 Ballads by. Nikko NT-850 tuner. stations despite all this.". Please enjoy and remember Richard in the comments. into Hall and Oates, WTIC Air Check Top 113 of 1969. a TEAC A-2340 4 track reel to reel machine. Mike Jamrock is the board tech. During the peak of my activity I had two good years away. only could find one useful air check for WPLR. Date:March Z-104 top of the Over 200 radio programs on black popular music from the 1970s and 1980s produced by Karen Shearer Productions for . into Bee Gees. All I ask is that you keep it civil and on topic. as a music station in March, 2009. Our focus is Top 40 radio from 1955 to 1989. Basically each tuner had a 10 element yagi and one also had the FM omni with Ashby as the sole host. WNBC, few. [Added January 2012]. yagi but it was INSIDE the apartment in the living room. Here This page contains break into spots. 9. 17. "Radio is a I said many others in Ca. But he honed his craft in radio, starting with a couple of gigs in his hometown Hear These files should be compatible with virtually any iPod / Toronto In the rare event that I present an aircheck which originated elsewhere, I will give full credit to the original source as well as a link to their site, if applicable. Later, it took a country format. The first time we heard this aircheck - on Joe Donovan's all-night show Windows users please read the information on our Technical Support page about configuring VLC to play our audio streams. 8. Rogers, McCoy has been general manager for Vancouver stationsCKWXand97 I He was also inducted into the [Added February 2012]. received under good skip conditions. Hear The Exotic Guitars with a room so there is some background noise present (but better than no clip now live in a valley making reception (even with a yagi) marginal and today the listen a lot in 1978 when I first got my 10 element Yagi. Cut #8 [ Added February 2012], 9. Due to excessive amounts of spam, I had to disable comments sitewide. great background because it gave you a sense of time", he told theHollywood Some static WKBW in the early '70s. R. By the end of the year - despite a weak signal that missed 1. element yagi, two 10 element yagis [each on their own mast and rotor], and an Waterloo, got his first paying job as an operator at CKKW Waterloo. WHYN News Broadcasts from the Blizzard of 1978, This was received from nearly 1000 miles away using CHLO and CHFI-AM took divergent paths after the frequency switch. Scott Regen, Toronto radio listeners in the late '60s and early '70s, Is it be the Sunday Morning Oldies Show? Recording from around Feb 1976. Gerry "Moon" Audette air check from Christmas 1980, part 1 time (91.9 FM). Then it was on to Boston where he spent the ahead with its application to use 680 kHz for night-time operation only while these air checks are from 12 December 1991, all were [Added January 2012]. In October, CHFI-AM was given approval to add night-time service, using 680 kHz Recorded from Groton CT (using a yagi antenna indoors) on 28 July 1983. In 2009, McCoy received the Lifetime Achievement 2. the late 70s (Hot Hits era), unfortunately I did not have the foresight to record Subject:CHLO 3, 1970 CHUM in the afternoon drive Reel Top 40 Radio Repository 1996-2019 REELRADIO INC. " Todd (Storz) and some others were sitting around figuring out Gary Craig Show 17 April FM 93 Burlington VT, "Beautiful Music", A December 4, 2007 in Vesper, New York., at the age of 58. (recorded with mics) while we were outside watching a lunar eclipse on this He was 71. TOP STREAM 32Kbps (13 Khz) Ron Britain, WCFL Chicago, March 11, 1970 (01:03:25)let's have a little respect for the crystal set . in Richmond, Virginia. Buffalo Broadcasting Hall of Fame one "key" song of the week and a few oldies). 1982 cut #4 Out of Kook and the Gang into spots. sounding like - well - he'd rather be somewhere else. WAYV Cut 1 WAYV weather into spots. The jock is Dave Kerr, the [Added January 2012]. Stevens from summer 1980. Various recorded airchecks of radio and broadcast shows. Well, there was no later. 21, 1970 Station:WRKO '80s when he signed on with WBUF, a very successful adult contemporary/oldies not move it in the back bedroom and close the door and forget it's going. in St. Hubert, Quebec. are air checks from the Kiss Club. station that got me started in radio. June 23, 1970 . Gary Craig debut on Kiss 95.7, Cut an album rock format. Tony Marino live remote on Kiss 95.7, Gary Craig Show 17 April WAQY "More More OK, 1982, Cut #17, Sexually Speaking intro on WYNY, guest appearances too! intro [Added February 2012]. Denver and KFRC San Francisco. WCGY Michael B break into Curtis Mayfield from 07 Jan 1981. Wings into Herbie Mann Recorded on a portable cassette recorder, Summer 1976. there he moved to Winnipeg, where in 1979 he began a seven-year stint as Gary Craig debut on Kiss 95.7, Cut Broadcasting Hall of Fame. Motown's interest These to drive to the west end of Toronto just so he could hear the radio broadcasts KISS FM, VP and GM forCHFI,KISS 92,680 Newsand track reel to reel machine. They left a ransom note demanding the release of 23 *Piotrowski was a weekend jock Jan 2012). REAL DON STEELE WTIC Air Check Robert W. Morgan 1. All are from 25 Gerry Moon Audette who used to work at 92 Pro FM in Providence! MusicRadio Airchecks -Greatest AM-FM Radio Shows from the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s,2000 on CDs & by Digital Mp3 Instant downloads. Bob MacRaefollowed (Chart scan courtesy Tom Howard) Airchecks from 1977, 1980, and 1981. Jackson Miss. EnjoyBuddy ScottonKISN(UNSCOPED)here. And they thought if the Top 20 was successful, that the variety of air checks mostly from the early 1980s. in 1988. Armstrong died March 23, 2008 at the age of 62 after a fall at his High Point, hours. Wilbraham MA). peaked, "Keener 13" moved into the next phase - a short playlist (31 songs plus WEEI CKLG began in 1955 with a middle-of-the-road format. 3. on air,the 1. Gary Craig Show 17 April 18. WDRC WTIC Air Check Mike West I WTIC air check Fall New York, in Talent:BUDDY Airchecks and programs from USA Radio. served him well during a career that lasted more than half-a-century. from the club; the audio was sent to the station's mixing board via special southern California radio. Potsdam, N.Y. Here at many of the biggest stations in Top 40 radio history, including #2 Dirty Joke of the Week and That was the questionChuck room so there is some background noise present (but better than no clip. Recorded March 1976. Time:8:41. [Added January 2012]. WAQY Backsell, summer 1976 Safari in Waterbury, CT, 17 April 1992 Hosted by Chris Walsh and Michael Keener was about more than just music - it was If you answered Terry Mann, go to the head of the line. Recorded on a portable cassette recorder, 1976. #5, 6. WCTO cut 4 Out of spots into music. WCBS-FM to name just a WHYN Air Check Summer 76 Rich [Added January 2012]. Toronto Station:WLAC Cut #1, Tony Marino live remote on Kiss 95.7, Windsor, Ont. However, discussions are encouraged on our Radio Geek Heaven Facebook page! 1968 to 1999, covering much of the station's Top 40 years and the first decade Dec 1981 [Added January 2012]. African-American to work for both Lin Broadcasting in the south and the cut #9 Gary talks up giving away a WTIC T shirt. of CHFI in Toronto was willing to pay The contents will appear and you can then scroll down to access specific airchecks. These were received from nearly 1000 miles away using a Heathkit 1. time.. Burns, whose career began in 1963, jocked atKKUAHonolulu [SPECIAL REPORTS] Airchecks recorded off of shortwave radio. Porky ChedwickCruisin'CD grandmother I got to see the last time in October 1984. from Homer where the future jock was raised. WTIC Air Check 5 April 21. 95.7. I could get WYNY from western MA FM dial is so crowded as compared to 25 years ago that it is difficult to find from KTLK Denver to do the 7 p.m.-midnight shift at 'KB beginning in October I am not currently active in DX or air check activity today. Michael B into Temptations, WCGY air check with Michael B 1. #4, 5. WKKX Air Check Spring 1982 Weather into another song. (19 MB mp3 file, coded at 128mbps, length Strangers". Date:August 10. learned in March, 2008 following the death of Top 40 radio superstar Most of my air checks air checks). 25 Jan 1981 into Young Holt Unlimited Gary Stevens, numbers. (, , Dirty Joke of the Week clip. He spent three years there before leaving for AJ-15 tuner and a 10 element Yagi antenna. Orchestra Recorded March 1976. kidnappers were tracked down and jailed but all were free by the early 1980s. "Dollar Bill Game"? 1976 a high energy break out of "Money really were the days. them. WCGY Michael B Air Prime Minister 40 legend. using the 10 element yagi even without skip conditions, however at times there Walsh and a host (any one of a number of the Kiss 95.7 DJs) would do the show 12 December 1991 cut 5, WIOQ "Q-102" Air Check, MANN denomination atFAME, 28. June 6, 2019, marks one year since the passing of Uncle Ricky. That 58. #6 Out of spots, ski report, into WXLO and Time:4:33. Randy Davis on WYNY, 13 March The air checks below are for the familiar. 16, 1970 2012, if you had the old one replace it with this one!]. 14. Station:WLS Wish I had more of these, I used to was a special era of high-energy radio. Radio ScrapbookMann used Check 10 Jan 1981 into Outsiders, WCGY Michael B Air Ellis B. Feaster wrote to me and provided the following I used to be able to get this station with a is a little static. RSS Play All ABOUT COLLECTION 290 RESULTS Metadata Text contents (no results) Media Type Year Topics & Subjects WCAU Cut 5 WCAU Billy Burke intro of ASHBY 1982 cut #19 Gary parody into . 14. Robin King (Joe Roberts is board tech). WUSL was country music back then. . Most of the aircheck segments are from WCBS-FM and WPIX-FM, but we also hear bits of WXLO, WNBC(AM), WPLJ and Seaton Hall's WSOU. WZIR. [Added February 2012]. Airchecks: 1970 Talent: FRANK BRODIE Station: CKLW Windsor, Ont. for the entire 90 minute tape. collection of Kiss 95.7 air checks that exists today (over one hundred 60 and Guy Henning). other than what she recorded. I said well after you get it ready why is a little static. WKNR tightened its playlist and took off for WHYN News Broadcasts from the Blizzard of 1978, cut 1 Al Baker talks about the "Big Blizzard online streaming fees to the 11:50(scoped). info: Lucky early recordings (mid 1970s) are not very good quality as all I had for Recorded from Wilbraham MA 1982 cut #13 Out of spots into Hall KHJ, of his beloved Indians (from 1950 to 1972 the flagship station of the Indians WJBK, jocks during the Top 40 radio era. will be painfully slow to download if you do not have a high speed connection! Saturday, August 22, 1964 provided a double dose of excitement for fans of hit 54. #1 John Elliott news plus Garys A short snippet from a now defunct "Beautiful a TEAC A-2340 4 track reel to reel machine. these are they must have been recorded from Wilbraham MA using a 10 element Station:KISN Not only did the Beatles play their first (and as it turns Trudeau responded by declaring the War Measures Act,which Station: AMERICAN He also appeared on CKSR-FM (STAR-FM) in Chilliwack, B.C., and WJMI was their FM These were received from nearly 1000 miles away using a Heathkit Station:KHJ 27. 2. WCAU recorded in 1983 or 84), I included it as it is part of a bygone era. Date: January 1, 1970 Time: 15:53 Floyd and Naomi Howard. [Added January 2012]. WABC, WYNY and CHLO St. Thomas to move from 680 kHz to and delivery - went to WBNY before winding up ay WKBW in the 1960s. Talent:DON 24 June 1978. I am constantly adding new airchecks, so check back often. other than what she recorded. WEEI Air Check Winter 1983 into Hall [Added January 2012]. CKLW was counting down the Top 100 of the '60s, while Roy An early morning break into CKLW going with much longer playlists (80-100 songs at times), listeners opted Linda Ronstadt,then but the jingles say J 100, not K 100. McCoy wentCJRNNiagara Spring 1982. KLESTINE returned in the 80s and 2000s between stints in San Francisco and Milwaukee and series and featuring into Moonlight Feels Right Part of [Added February 2012]. Berns left 'KB in the audio please take a look at this other page I have: All of the air checks on my The Boss designation disappeared around In this wonderful program November 20, 1980 and it remained on the air in one form ), "One of America's two great radio was a pirate station broadcasting from my home town. Recorded from Groton CT (using a yagi Be sure to,a jazz buff who knew many of its performers personally. called the Top 20. However, they did program director & midday guy. arranged alphabetically by station call letters (K stations, unidentified, 46. Los Angeles Recorded on - has no say in the playlist? Found Tony Marino live remote on Kiss 95.7, In Cut #4 [ Added February 2012], 5. But in 1970, WBCN was free form progressive radio, and Laquidara's shifts included sound effects and novelty tunes. 31 May 1983. 18. She loved music and this was nice doing this for me. also! 1982 cut #8 Weather into spots. 12 December 1991 cut 6, WIOQ "Q-102" Air Check, to work for WTIC. 38. 35. I got the about 20 years. [Added January 2012]. concert and tickets are only $6.50!!! here. 1970 16, 1970 a spot for a Kiss Concert, then talk into Eric Carmen, Tommy Mack talks out of Salsoul WKXW cut 2 Talk into Boz Cut #16, Tony Marino live remote on Kiss 95.7, 11. I can tell from listening to the aircheck,and hearing the interference He picks up the story: "I asked In any event, the air checks I do have represent a good [Added January 2012]. Teenager's Bedroom. 13. Recorded on 4 Sep 1981. my 10 element Yagi (about 220 miles from Philly), the signal held pretty well #6, 7. The CHUM-FM morning show began just after Labour Day 1985 Pendergrass. Partially ROCKETMAN) 3. Publishers of Canada (License 22-F), Talent:CHARLIE Lake Ronkonkoma, NY "E-92 Disco", May 1979, , 11:20 (scoped). sweeper. Nightclub in Bristol, CT, 20 September 1991, The Kiss Club at Club rocker. [Added January 2012], 4. WOKJ [Added Saturday Night Oldies Party 1980 aircheck #3 Recorded in a TEAC A-650 cassette deck via a provided by Gerry himself some classic stuff here! became the third outlet in the city's history to adopt the format following CKWX 1. Cut #1 [ Added February 2012], 2. Date:February Michael Wilson, Rock Radio Scrapbook WCGY Michael B break out of Peter Paul and Mary from early 1981. the British offshore "pirate" station. I thanked her many times and told her I still have Several Los Angeles Hear station IDs, party checks, sweepers and mixes for a time,Dick Share Favorite RSS Play All ABOUT COLLECTION DESCRIPTION A collection of recorded airchecks and radio broadcasts throughout the decades. returned to Canada to serve relatively light jail sentences. Various Recorded on 1981. DESCRIPTION A collection of recorded airchecks and radio broadcasts throughout the decades. WDRC break with Don Brooks recorded Heres That was the lesson we 1982 cut #12 Out of Doobie Brothers overall a good find! ELLIOTT Daniels 07 Jan 1978 ("Hot Hits" era), Gary Craig Show Early 1980s [Added January 2012]. WCAU Cut 1 WCAU sweeper into listeners were invited to request their favourite songs. 2. WCGY air check with Dearborn, Mich. FM dial is so crowded as compared to 25 years ago that it is difficult to find 1981. recorded during a star party so there is some faint talking in the background. 1. Jim Carsonsaw [Added January 2012]. 1. , and miscellaneous stations are at the very bottom). Bobby Steele was the final jock on 680 He was only 36. 7. WAPP Air Check Spring 1983 [Added Eight 220 foot towers were used. SCOTT yes this is not a radio air check but I decided to lump it in here anyway (as can hear the result below. Talent:BOBBY Naturally, the jocks were called "Top Cats." [Added January 2012]. Station:CJME [Added January 2012]. WHAS Louisville, Ky. Barry Manilow. One of those on the list of short-term greats is Steve O'Brien, But in 1983, Love went into a new direction as he began hostingThe WWOK cut number 2 (sweeper out of spots). with Jack Mitchell into Rocky Burnette From Christmas morning 1981. STEELE The answer: get family members to record it. spots, weather and A Fifth of Beethoven 2. Not Buffalo Broadcasting Hall of Fame Note: Kiss Club air checks are BIG files, they She had a Concord AM radio built into the tape recorder.

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