north tyneside council planning portal

Apply for planning permission. Applications affecting the setting of heritage assets. This section briefly outlines some of the local and national planning policies that should be referred to when developing the relevant TS, TA or TP. The Landscape Institute Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment provide further guidance:, National Planning Policy Framework Chapter 12, Core Strategy Policies CS15, CS18 and CS20, Unitary Development Plan Policies DC1(c) and (e), DC2 (a) and (c), ENV3, ENV27 and ENV29, Area Action Plan Policies SS10, J8 and H7, Site Specific Allocations Development Plan Document Policy SA7. Re-Use and Demolition of Vacant Buildings. No agricultural land declaration is required if the applicant is making an application for the approval of reserved matters, renewal of temporary planning permission, discharge or variation of conditions, tree preservation orders, listed building consent, a lawful development certificate, prior notification of certain developments with permitted development rights, a non-material amendment to an existing planning permission, or express consent to display an advertisement. collapsing, the presence of any decay and physical defect); preliminary management recommendations, including further investigation of suspected defects that require more detailed assessment and potential for wildlife habitat; estimated remaining contribution in years (e.g. National Planning Policy Framework paragraph 181, National Planning Practice Guidance Air quality chapter. Mitigation measures to negate harm may be required along with evidence of lack of alternative sites. There is also the potential for a variance in interpretation from those using the list across the four authorities. Newcastle Statement of Community Involvement (September 2018)-, Communities and Local Government and Housing, Planning, the Northern Powerhouse and Local Growth and Former Liberal . Failure to provide the requested information alongside the extension of time may result in the application being determined on the information currently available and it may result in the application being refused. Elevation drawings showing the size, location and external appearance of plant and equipment will also be required, drawn to a scale of 1:50 or 1:100 (in line with requirement 8). North Tyneside Council is one of the borough's major employers, with over 3,000 employees who work in a variety of roles and settings. The application site should be edged clearly with a red line. The process of HRA involves an initial Screening stage followed by an Appropriate Assessment (AA) if proposals are likely to have a significant (adverse) impact on a Natura 2000 site. Bedroom dimensions should be provided to demonstrate compliance with the technical requirements of the NDSS. Please note certain surveys can only be undertaken at certain times of the year. Details of the position and design of ventilation and extraction equipment. Apply online Apply for planning permission online via the Planning Portal. Once the application is made valid it will be passed to a planning case officer for determination, but on occasions the proposed development will need to be revised to make it acceptable under planning policy or further information will be needed from the applicant in order for a planning decision to be made on the application. South Tyneside Council Town Hall & Civic Offices, Westoe Road, South Shields, Tyne & Wear NE33 2RL. Therefore before submitting an outline planning application applicants are strongly advised to seek pre-application advice (see above paragraphs under the heading: v) Pre-application Advice). Includes automatic 2nd authentication factor (2FA). Any such evidence should accompany the planning application. The desktop study and the site walkover should be the first stages of any site assessment and should enable a 'conceptual site model' of the site to be produced that provides a clear interpretation of all plausible pollutant linkages at the site. This can be in the form of a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI; see Item 24). It is incorporated into the standard application form, and must be signed in order for the application to be valid. Most major full planning applications and major reserved matter applications. less than 10, 10-20, 20-40, more than 40); category grading (see BS5837: 2012 Trees in Relation to Construction Recommendations). (except changes of use) where the proposal would materially affects its appearance; A Heritage Statement could form part of a more comprehensive Design and Access Statement (see also requirement 7), where this is also needed. Background to the Tyneside Validation List, Sunderland City Council have opted to produce their own bespoke validation checklist. Unitary Development Plan Policies Development Control Policy Statement 22, POL7, POL8, POL9 and POL11, Unitary Development Plan Policies DC1 (h), DC2 (a), DC2(c), ENV61, ENV62, MWR2, MWR25 and MWR32 (e). The standards apply only to new houses and not to an extension of an existing house or to the material change of use affecting an existing house. Rumour has it that Tyne Docks UK wish to move large lifting gear from their Sunderland Dock to the . A Planning Application Additional Information Requirement Form is required to be competed for all relevant applications in Gateshead, North Tyneside and Newcastle to calculate CIL liability. Skip navigation. If used the pre-application advice service enables the council to provide an informal response regarding the planning merits of the scheme. Confirmation that capacity exists both on and off site in the sewerage network to serve the proposed development. The Tyne and Wear Local Authorities use two systems to record and monitor Travel Plans within the area and unless expressly agreed by a Local Authority the following tools will be used, for creating and monitoring Travel Plans; The above is not exhaustive and to avoid abortive work, please seek pre-application advice from the Local Planning Authority for definitive advice on the scope of the transport requirements. Use this link to the governments Planning Portal webpage to find out more information about CIL: The statement should demonstrate how sustainability has been addressed and/or how it will be addressed at future design stage. Parking and servicing issues must be considered as a fundamental part of any scheme. It should be noted that for an outline application it is necessary to indicate access points on the submitted plans even if access will be a reserved matter. This can include topics such as water use, materials waste, pollution, health and wellbeing, management, ecology, building fabric, resilience to climate change, local renewable and low carbon energy and transport. Attenuation systems should be designed to accommodate a critical rainfall event of 1:100 year + 40% allowance for climate change. Where significant contamination is known or is likely to be present, it may be necessary to carry out some site investigations before the submission of an application, as significant contamination may limit the allowable land uses. South Tyneside Council Town Hall & Civic Offices, Westoe Road, South Shields, Tyne & Wear NE33 2RL. The table at the end of this chapter provides indicative thresholds for when a TS or TA and TP are required. Local planning authorities should consider whether otherwise unacceptable development could be made acceptable through the use of conditions or planning obligations. When less substantial changes are proposed a minor material or non-material amendment could be sought. Where the impacts of development are likely to be significant, a Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment should be provided with the proposal to inform decision making. The County Archaeologist will provide a specification for the evaluation for the applicant which sets out what is required. Contact us. These documents are used to determine whether the impact of the development is acceptable, in highways and transportation terms. Planning fees. New ways of debriefing Confirmation of the agreed discharge rate must be supplied. General industry (other than classified as in B1). When is this required and what information should be supplied? This is normally only required for development in Coal Mining Development High Risk Areas with the exception of householder extensions or alterations, changes of use and shop front alterations. This information can be combined within the Transport Assessment or Transport Statement or provided as a supporting document. Planning applications | North Tyneside Council Residents / Building control and planning / Planning / Planning applications Planning applications Planning committee Planning. Sunlight/Daylight/Microclimate Assessment, Community Infrastructure Levy (Gateshead, North Tyneside and Newcastle only, 1. Gateshead and Newcastle Only: Nationally Described Space Standards policies are likely to be adopted by both Gateshead and Newcastle following adoption of their respective Development and Allocations Plans in late 2019/2020. excluding applications for change of use where there are no external building works proposed should include existing and proposed site plans at a standard metric scale (typically 1:100 or 1:200). Trees/soft landscaping located close to a proposed development and certainly within falling distance must therefore be accurately shown on a scaled plan with the following information: Species; height in metres; stem diameter in metres at 1.5 metres above adjacent ground level or immediately above the roof flare for multi-stemmed trees; branch spread in metres taken at north, south, east and west points; height in metres of the lowest part of the canopy above ground level. This can be done by either including sets of both the original and amended drawings, or by superimposing the proposed amendment on those originally approved. Evidence which verifies the condition of the soakaway may also be requested. In Newcastle, the Sustainably Statement should include the Councils assessment grid. The UK. The LPA will use the assessment to appraise the likelihood that archaeological features survive within the site and to determine if further archaeological fieldwork is required. It consists of a collation of existing written, graphic, photographic and electronic information in order to identify the likely character, extent, quality and worth of the known or potential archaeological resource within the development site. Although Beijing says they're scientific, analysts say the data helps the country develop advanced weapons. North Tyneside: 184 Julie Elliott: Lab Sunderland Central . The LPA may therefore require further information to be provided by the applicant in order to reach a favourable decision on the application. The Weekly Wrap for Saturday, 4 March 2023. Snap a photo, and login with your selfie instead. The former special industrial use classes, B3 B7, are now all encompassed in B2. Landscape schemes should aim to priorities native species of local provenance in their design. Newcastle, North Tyneside and Gateshead are Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charging authorities. These four authorities have worked together and have consulted regular service users (agents) and statutory consultees to ensure that this validation checklist is kept up to date. Also note that these rules only cover your patio/driveway. Wind tunnel modelling will be required to assess the impact of new development will have on a local wind environment and any consequential effects on pedestrian comfort and safety using the Lawson criteria for comfort and safety. A link is attached below to the map showing these areas. Will it be provided a) on site, b) off site or c) by way of financial contribution? Both an existing and proposed roof plan drawn to a scale of 1:50 or 1:100 are required in order to show the shape of the roof, its location and the proposed facing materials. Regeneration South Shields, Hebburn, and Holborn regeneration projects, and. Persimmon has applied to North Tyneside Council for planning permission to develop Murton Park with 508 new homes. An applicant should apply for this vacant building credit at the time of submitting the planning application. You can get information on their website. Where a hot food takeaway or restaurant or pub is proposed close to an existing residential property, details of extraction facilities will normally be required for validation purposes, National Planning Policy Framework Chapters 7, 8 and 15. calculated based on the net additional new floorspace being built/created, having subtracted the amount of vacant floorspace on the site (at the time of the planning application being assessed and determined) that is to be re-used/converted or demolished. The governments Policy Framework states that when assessing applications for retail, leisure and office development outside of town centres, which are not in accordance with an up-to-date Local Plan, local planning authorities should require an impact assessment if the development of over a proportionate locally set threshold (if there is no locally set threshold, the default threshold is 2,500 sq. The change of use or conversion of rural buildings (e.g. Guidance on the Control of Odour & Noise from Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Systems (DEFRA): Since then, their research, which was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), has helped several organisations and councils, such as those in Bristol, Cumbria, Newham, Northumberland and North Tyneside, to think and work differently - in both day-to-day practice and long-term strategy. Is affordable housing to be provided? If we can find you in the database, an email will be sent to your email address, with instructions how to get access again. A major property developer has applied to construct over 500 homes, out of potentially 2,700, in Murton Park. (i.e. Please contact yourLPA for further advice. Proposals should be accompanied by plans (to scale and also including area measurements), showing any areas of existing or proposed open space within or adjoining the application site. Planning committee. All rights reserved. An outline application may also contain details and seek approval of one or more of the reserved matters, but at least one must be reserved for later approval. Most applications incur a fee and they cannot be validated without the correct fee being paid. All written representations received (held on file by South Tyneside Council) were then given careful consideration. However, not all consent types may be submitted through the Planning Portal i.e. For all approaches to drainage the following will be required: CIRIA: Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems - An additional publicity/consultation exercise may then need to be undertaken by the LPA on receipt of any additional or amended information. Former Secretary of State for Transport and Leader of the House of Commons and Lord President of the Council: 077 Jon Cruddas: Lab Dagenham and Rainham . Floodlighting within 50 metres of woodland, water or hedgerows / lines of trees with an obvious connection to woodland or water; Works to fell or lop veteran trees, trees with obvious cracks, holes and cavities, or trees with a diameter greater than a metre at chest height; Major proposals within 500 metres of the perimeter of a pond, or 200 metres of rivers, streams, canals, lakes or other aquatic habitats such as wetlands; Minor proposals within 100 metres of a pond or adjacent to rivers, streams, canals, lakes or other aquatic habitats such as wetlands; Woodland, or hedgerows / lines of trees with an obvious connection to woodland or water; Gravel pits, quarries, natural cliff faces, or rock outcrops with crevices or caves; European protected sites or candidate sites: Special Protection Area (SPA) / Ramsar Site, Special Area of Conservation (SAC); Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI); Site of Local Conservation Interest (SLCI); Priority habitats as defined in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) (Refer to Local BAPs and the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act); A semi-natural habitat. The submission of a valid application for planning permission requires a completed application form, compliance with local and national information requirements and the correct application fee. Get instant job matches for companies hiring now for Grounding jobs in Tyneside like Air, Directing, General Management and more. The applicant needs to serve written notice on the person(s) who, on the day 21 days before the date the application is submitted was an owner of any part of the land to which the application relates. The Landscape Institute Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment provide further guidance:, BS 4428:1989: Code of practice for general landscape operations (excluding hard surfaces), Trees: from nursery to independence in the landscape. Retail sale of non-food goods to the public; but includes sandwich bars sandwiches or other cold food purchased and consumed off the premises, internet cafs. Newcastle and Gateshead Clean Air Zone launches on Monday January 30. Please seek pre-application advice from the Local Planning Authority to address potential pollution matters early in the planning process. Transport Statement (TS): A simplified version of a transport assessment where it is agreed the transport issues arising out of development proposals are limited and a full transport assessment is not required. Check with the local authority. Construction details and planning including phasing of development and Construction Management Plan (refer to CIRIA guidance Construction Method Statements, SUDS Management Plan should set out ownership and management of SUDS components and maintenance requirements over the lifetime of the development. Details of the proposed management and maintenance of the drainage system. Assess the existing air quality in the study area (existing baseline); Predict the future air quality without the development in place (future baseline); Predict the future air quality with the development in place (with development). Also new development on land that has been identified on the public register as being contaminated or land that is adjacent requires a Phase 1 Assessment will be required as a minimum. Tree Survey and/or Statement of Arboricultural Implications of Dev. Find out about school holiday . I have worked in a locum, retainer and salaried capacity in general practice. Further details as to the types of development, the areas where a charge applies and charge level are available on the respective council websites. The purpose of a Phase 1 Land Contamination Assessment is to establish the previous uses of the land under consideration or land adjacent to it, and to initially identify potential sources of contamination, receptors and pathway that could be risks to human health, surface or ground waters, buildings or protected species (the receptors). However, the following details will also be required where a tree is protected by a Tree Preservation Order or where the site is located in a Conservation Area: Age class (young, middle aged, mature, over-mature, veteran); physiological condition (e.g. To avoid delay, applicants should discuss, as soon as possible, what information is needed with the LPA and relevant expert bodies such as Highways England, Natural England, Historic England, Environment Agency, Sport England, The Coal Authority, Lead Local Flood Authority, Marine Management Organisation, County Archaeologist, and Highway Authority etc. If not then what is the justification? For applications for advertisement consent only, the following should be submitted: Advertisement consent applications may also include existing and proposed photomontages to supplement scaled plans. This should be at an identified standard metric scale (1:1250 or 1:2500). A copy of this notice must be sent to the LPA (included in the planning application). This involves supporting GP appraisers through mentoring, and training. Contraception STIs and testing Symptom checker C-Cards Emergency Contraception Pregnancy Decisions HIV PrEP Conservation and design Conservation areas, tree preservation orders, listed. A planning statement identifies the context and need for a proposed development and includes an assessment of how the proposed development relates to relevant national and local planning policies. However, not all consent types may be submitted through the Planning Portal i.e. Existing flood risk to the site from all sources (e.g. 21. A Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) would be required for some major development application as advised at pre-application stage by the Local Planning Authority. Existing trees and other vegetation of amenity value should, wherever possible, be retained in new developments and will need to be protected during the construction of the development. You can use the site at your local library and at the main reception at our office at Quadrant. Post: Planning Group, Town Hall and Civic Offices, Westoe Road, South Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE33 2RL. Medical and health services clinics and health centres, crches, day nurseries, day centres and consulting rooms (not attached to the consultants or doctors house), museums, public libraries, art galleries, exhibition halls, non-residential education and training centres, places of worship, religious instruction and church halls. They allow various types of applications, under both planning and Building Control, to be submitted electronically. Development Management Town Hall & Civic Offices, Westoe Road South Shields Tyne & Wear NE33 2RL 0191 424 7421 planningapplications@ Pre-application scoping is key if a TA is to prove acceptable to the relevant highway authorities (not simply that of the authority within which the proposed development is located but also neighbouring authorities and Highways England, where there exits the potential for an impact to be apparent at the Strategic Road Network, as represented by trunk roads and motorways). Development on sites of 0.5 hectare or more within a local authoritys own identified critical drainage area. The purpose of the recording is not only to provide an archive record of the building as it is, but also to advise the proposed scheme by identifying those parts of the building which are most significant and should be retained in the conversion process. Appeal a planning decision. Unitary Development Plan Policies DC1 (p), DC2 (d) and ENV54, Development Management Policies DM1 and DM8-DM9, See: 4. Early engagement has significant potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the planning application system for all parties. Please note that these requirements will normally only apply when developments propose buildings in close proximity to each other or where tall buildings are proposed. In order to understand the impact of the proposed development any future highway that may be adopted needs to be detailed on an appropriate plan. The submitted drawings should be at a scale of 1:50 or 1:100 and should explain the proposal in detail. This will have the advantage of avoiding unnecessary work and expenditure and minimising delay in the handling of your application. The list below, taken from South Tyneside Council's website contains received and decided applications from this past week. Infiltrations systems must be designed with sufficient capacity to accommodate a critical rainfall event of 1:100 year. There is a legacy of past coal mining activity in the region. metres of commercial/retail development would be created, or major planning applications that would constitute a departure from the development plan. Please remember only registered users can access this Portal. North Tyneside Council has a series of SPDs, ranging from those specific to a particular topic or to a geographical area. The proposed development should be shown in context with the site boundary and any existing adjacent buildings including property numbers/names where appropriate. The purpose of an air quality assessment is to demonstrate the likely changes in air quality or exposure to air pollutants, as a result of a proposed development. . North Tyneside Council @NTCouncilTeam Official local authority news, events and updates. Where the development involves the disposal of trade waste or the disposal of foul sewage effluent other than to the public sewer, then a fuller foul drainage assessment will be required including details of the method of storage, treatment and disposal.

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