osdi 2021 accepted papers

Manuela M. Veloso is the Head of J.P. Morgan AI Research, which pursues fundamental research in areas of core relevance to financial services, including data mining and cryptography, machine learning, explainability, and human-AI interaction. Of the 26 submitted artifacts: 26 artifacts received the Artifacts Available badge (100%). Mingyu Li, Jinhao Zhu, and Tianxu Zhang, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Shanghai AI Laboratory; Engineering Research Center for Domain-specific Operating Systems, Ministry of Education, China; Cheng Tan, Northeastern University; Yubin Xia, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Shanghai AI Laboratory; Engineering Research Center for Domain-specific Operating Systems, Ministry of Education, China; Sebastian Angel, University of Pennsylvania; Haibo Chen, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Shanghai AI Laboratory; Engineering Research Center for Domain-specific Operating Systems, Ministry of Education, China. USENIX new Date().getFullYear()>document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Grants for Black Computer Science Students Application, Propose an interesting, compelling solution, Demonstrate the practicality and benefits of the solution, Clearly describe the paper's contributions, Clearly articulate the advances beyond previous work. In this paper, we show how to address this inefficiency without requiring pages to be rewritten or browsers to be modified. Here, we focus on hugepage coverage. Second, Fluffy uses multiple existing Ethereum clients that independently implement the specification as cross-referencing oracles. Our approach effectively eliminates high communication and partitioning overheads, and couples it with a new pipelined push-pull parallelism based execution strategy for fast model training. Precision Conservation: Linking Set-aside and Working Lands Policy We implement a variant of a log-structured merge tree in the storage device that not only indexes file objects, but also supports transactions and manages physical storage space. PLDI 2019 - PLDI Research Papers - PLDI 2019 - SIGPLAN A.H. Hunter, Jane Street Capital; Chris Kennelly, Paul Turner, Darryl Gove, Tipp Moseley, and Parthasarathy Ranganathan, Google. We introduce a hybrid cryptographic protocol for privacy-adhering transformations of encrypted data. This paper addresses a key missing piece in the current ecosystem of decentralized services and blockchain apps: the lack of decentralized, verifiable, and private search. We present Nap, a black-box approach that converts concurrent persistent memory (PM) indexes into NUMA-aware counterparts. In addition, increasing CPU core counts further complicate kernel development. Marius is open-sourced at www.marius-project.org. Kyuhwa Han, Sungkyunkwan University and Samsung Electronics; Hyunho Gwak and Dongkun Shin, Sungkyunkwan University; Jooyoung Hwang, Samsung Electronics. Performance experiments show that GoNFS provides similar performance (e.g., at least 90% throughput across several benchmarks on an NVMe disk) to Linuxs NFS server exporting an ext4 file system, suggesting that GoJournal is a competitive journaling system. We also show that Marius can scale training to datasets an order of magnitude beyond a single machine's GPU and CPU memory capacity, enabling training of configurations with more than a billion edges and 550 GB of total parameters on a single machine with 16 GB of GPU memory and 64 GB of CPU memory. All papers will be available online to registered attendees before the conference. Evaluation on a four-node machine with Optane DC Persistent Memory shows that Nap can improve the throughput by up to 2.3 and 1.56 under write-intensive and read-intensive workloads, respectively. We observe that, due to their intended security guarantees, SC schemes are inherently oblivioustheir memory access patterns are independent of the input data. Currently, for large graphs, CPU servers offer the best performance-per-dollar over GPU servers. This distinction forces a re-design of the scheduler. We compare Marius against two state-of-the-art industrial systems on a diverse array of benchmarks. Because DistAI starts with the strongest possible invariants, if the SMT solver fails, DistAI does not need to discard failed invariants, but knows to monotonically weaken them and try again with the solver, repeating the process until it eventually succeeds. Dorylus is up to 3.8 faster and 10.7 cheaper compared to existing sampling-based systems. Academic and industrial participants present research and experience papers that cover the full range of theory and practice of computer . Although SSDs can be simplified under the current ZNS interface, its counterpart LFS must bear segment compaction overhead. How can we design systems that will be reliable despite misbehaving participants? 64 papers accepted out of 341 submitted. DistAI: Data-Driven Automated Invariant Learning for Distributed Protocols Jianan Yao, Runzhou Tao, Ronghui Gu, Jason Nieh . Finding the inductive invariant of the distributed protocol is a critical step in verifying the correctness of distributed systems, but takes a long time to do even for simple protocols. Message from the Program Co-Chairs. AI enables principled representation of knowledge, complex strategy optimization, learning from data, and support to human decision making. SC is being increasingly adopted by industry for a variety of applications. We present NrOS, a new OS kernel with a safer approach to synchronization that runs many POSIX programs. Log search and log archiving, despite being critical problems, are mutually exclusive. This paper demonstrates that it is possible to achieve s-scale latency using Linux kernel storage stack, even when tens of latency-sensitive applications compete for host resources with throughput-bound applications that perform read/write operations at throughput close to hardware capacity. OSDI '22 - HotCRP.com DistAI generates data by simulating the distributed protocol at different instance sizes and recording states as samples. J.P. Morgan AI Research partners with applied data analytics teams across the firm as well as with leading academic institutions globally. We identify that current systems for learning the embeddings of large-scale graphs are bottlenecked by data movement, which results in poor resource utilization and inefficient training. We implement and evaluate a suite of applications, including MICA, Raft and Set Algebra for document retrieval; and we demonstrate that the nanoPU can be used as a high performance, programmable alternative for one-sided RDMA operations. Authors are required to register abstracts by 3:00 p.m. PST on December 3, 2020, and to submit full papers by 3:00 p.m. PST on December 10, 2020. We built an FPGA prototype of the nanoPU fast path by modifying an open-source RISC-V CPU, and evaluated its performance using cycle-accurate simulations on AWS FPGAs. To enable FL developers to interpret their results in model testing, Oort enforces their requirements on the distribution of participant data while improving the duration of federated testing by cherry-picking clients. Owing to the sequential write-only zone scheme of the ZNS, the log-structured file system (LFS) is required to access ZNS solid-state drives (SSDs). OSDI 2021 papers summary | hacklog OSDI is "a premier forum for discussing the design, implementation, and implications of systems software." A total of six research papers from the department were accepted to the . JEL codes: Q18, Q28, Q57 . The 20th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets 2021) will bring together researchers in computer networks and systems to engage in a lively debate on the theory and practice of computer networking. We convert five state-of-the-art PM indexes using Nap. Compared to a state-of-the-art fuzzer, Fluffy improves the fuzzing throughput by 510 and the code coverage by 2.7 with various optimizations: in-process fuzzing, fuzzing harnesses for Ethereum clients, and semantic-aware mutation that reduces erroneous test cases. Devices employ adaptive interrupt coalescing heuristics that try to balance between these opposing goals. The hybrid segment recycling chooses a proper block reclaiming policy between segment compaction and threaded logging based on their costs. This is the first OSDI in an odd year as OSDI moves to a yearly cadence. Secure Computation (SC) is a family of cryptographic primitives for computing on encrypted data in single-party and multi-party settings. We present selective profiling, a technique that locates data locality problems with low-enough overhead that is suitable for production use. The key to our solution, Horcrux, is to account for the non-determinism intrinsic to web page loads and the constraints placed by the browsers API for parallelism. This change is receiving considerable attention in the architecture and security communities, for example, but in contrast, so-called OS researchers are mostly in denial. Used Zotero to organize papers about the stress and diffusion between anode and electrolyte and made a summary . Zeph executes privacy-adhering data transformations in real-time and scales to thousands of data sources, allowing it to support large-scale low-latency data stream analytics. Registering abstracts a week before paper submission is an essential part of the paper-reviewing process, as PC members use this time to identify which papers they are qualified to review. In addition, CLP outperforms Elasticsearch and Splunk Enterprise's log ingestion performance by over 13x, and we show CLP scales to petabytes of logs. Title Page, Copyright Page, and List of Organizers | We present case studies and end-to-end applications that show how Storm lets developers specify diverse policies while centralizing the trusted code to under 1% of the application, and statically enforces security with modest type annotation overhead, and no run-time cost. Moreover, as of October 2020, a review of the 50 most cited empirical papers that list personality as a keyword indicates that all 50 papers were authored by people with insti tutional affiliations in the United States, Canada, Germany, the UK, and New Zealand, and only three papers included samples outside of these regions (see Supplementary Software Systems Laboratory Wins Best Paper Awards at the OSDI and Based on the observation that invariants are often concise in practice, DistAI starts with small invariant formulas and enumerates all strongest possible invariants that hold for all samples. Unfortunately, because devices lack the semantic information about which I/O requests are latency-sensitive, these heuristics can sometimes lead to disastrous results. However, a plethora of recent data breaches show that even widely trusted service providers can be compromised. You must not improperly identify a PC member as a conflict if none of these three circumstances applies, even if for some other reason you want to avoid them reviewing your paper. SanRazor adopts a novel hybrid approach it captures both dynamic code coverage and static data dependencies of checks, and uses the extracted information to perform a redundant check analysis. Copyright to the individual works is retained by the author[s]. Papers so short as to be considered extended abstracts will not receive full consideration. Computation separation makes it possible to construct a deep, bounded-asynchronous pipeline where graph and tensor parallel tasks can fully overlap, effectively hiding the network latency incurred by Lambdas. For example, traditional compute resources are replenishable while privacy is not: a CPU can be regained after a model finishes execution while privacy budget cannot. As a result, the design of a file system with respect to space management and crash consistency is simplified, requiring only 10.8K LOC for full functionality. Han Meng - Research Assistant - Michigan State University | LinkedIn Leveraging these information, Pollux dynamically (re-)assigns resources to improve cluster-wide goodput, while respecting fairness and continually optimizing each DL job to better utilize those resources. Fan Lai, Xiangfeng Zhu, Harsha V. Madhyastha, and Mosharaf Chowdhury, University of Michigan. Nico Lehmann and Rose Kunkel, UC San Diego; Jordan Brown, Independent; Jean Yang, Akita Software; Niki Vazou, IMDEA Software Institute; Nadia Polikarpova, Deian Stefan, and Ranjit Jhala, UC San Diego. Software Systems Laboratory Wins Best Paper Award at OSDI 2022 Further, Vegito can recover from cascading machine failures by using the columnar backup in less than 60 ms. NrOS is primarily constructed as a simple, sequential kernel with no concurrency, making it easier to develop and reason about its correctness. An evaluation of Addra on a cluster of 80 machines on AWS demonstrates that it can serve 32K users with a 99-th percentile message latency of 726 msa 7 improvement over a prior system for text messaging in the same threat model. USENIX, like other scientific and technical conferences and journals, prohibits these practices and may, on the recommendation of a program chair, take action against authors who have committed them. A graph embedding is a fixed length vector representation for each node (and/or edge-type) in a graph and has emerged as the de-facto approach to apply modern machine learning on graphs. Acm Ccs 2022 - Sigsac This formulation of memory management, which we call memory programming, is a generalization of paging that allows MAGE to provide a highly efficient virtual memory abstraction for SC. All submissions will be treated as confidential prior to publication on the USENIX OSDI 21 website; rejected submissions will be permanently treated as confidential. Session Chairs: Moshe Gabel, University of Toronto, and Joseph Gonzalez, University of California, Berkeley, John Thorpe, Yifan Qiao, Jonathan Eyolfson, and Shen Teng, UCLA; Guanzhou Hu, UCLA and University of Wisconsin, Madison; Zhihao Jia, CMU; Jinliang Wei, Google Brain; Keval Vora, Simon Fraser; Ravi Netravali, Princeton University; Miryung Kim and Guoqing Harry Xu, UCLA. The abstractions we design for the privacy resource mirror those defined by Kubernetes for traditional resources, but there are also major differences. DeSearch uses trusted hardware to build a network of workers that execute a pipeline of small search engine tasks (crawl, index, aggregate, rank, query). We also welcome work that explores the interface to related areas such as computer architecture, networking, programming languages, analytics, and databases. Furthermore, to enable automatic runtime optimization, GNNAdvisor incorporates a lightweight analytical model for an effective design parameter search. OSDI brings together professionals from academic and industrial backgrounds in what has become a premier forum for discussing the design, implementation, and implications of systems software. Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have gained significant attention in the recent past, and become one of the fastest growing subareas in deep learning. SOSP 2021 - Symposium on Operating Systems Principles Conference site 49 papers accepted out of 251 submitted. Therefore, developers typically find data locality issues via dynamic profiling and repair them manually. Academic and industrial participants present research and experience papers that cover the full range of theory . OSDI takes a broad view of the systems area and solicits contributions from many fields of systems practice, including, but not limited to, operating systems, file and storage systems, distributed systems, cloud computing, mobile systems, secure and reliable systems, systems aspects of big data, embedded systems, virtualization, networking as it relates to operating systems, and management and troubleshooting of complex systems. For more details on the submission process, and for templates to use with LaTeX, Word, etc., authors should consult the detailed submission requirements. For conference information, see: . Despite their extensive use for debugging and vulnerability discovery, sanitizer checks often induce a high runtime cost. Manuela will present examples and discuss the scope of AI in her research in the finance domain. Academic and industrial participants present research and experience papers that cover the full range of theory and practice of computer . Pollux is implemented and publicly available as part of an open-source project at https://github.com/petuum/adaptdl. If your accepted paper should not be published prior to the event, please notify production@usenix.org. We present DistAI, a data-driven automated system for learning inductive invariants for distributed protocols. Overall, the OSDI PC accepted 31 out of 165 submissions. Across a wide range of pages, phones, and mobile networks covering web workloads in both developed and emerging regions, Horcrux reduces median browser computation delays by 31-44% and page load times by 18-37%. PLDI is a premier forum for programming language research, broadly construed, including design, implementation, theory, applications, and performance. Researchers from the Software Systems Laboratory bagged a Best Paper Award at the 16th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 2021). To resolve the problem, we propose a new LFS-aware ZNS interface, called ZNS+, and its implementation, where the host can offload data copy operations to the SSD to accelerate segment compaction. Our evaluation shows that DistAI successfully verifies 13 common distributed protocols automatically and outperforms alternative methods both in the number of protocols it verifies and the speed at which it does so, in some cases by more than two orders of magnitude. My paper has accepted to appear in the EuroSys2020; I will have a talk at the Hotstorage'19; The Paper about GCMA Accepted to TC; Erhu Feng, Xu Lu, Dong Du, Bicheng Yang, and Xueqiang Jiang, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Engineering Research Center for Domain-specific Operating Systems, Ministry of Education, China; Yubin Xia, Binyu Zang, and Haibo Chen, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Shanghai AI Laboratory; Engineering Research Center for Domain-specific Operating Systems, Ministry of Education, China. DMon speeds up PostgreSQL, one of the most popular database systems, by 6.64% on average (up to 17.48%). However, your OSDI submission must use an anonymized name for your project or system that differs from any used in such contexts. The OSDI Symposium emphasizes innovative research as well as quantified or insightful experiences in systems design and implementation. Uniquely, Dorylus can take advantage of serverless computing to increase scalability at a low cost. Submissions violating the detailed formatting and anonymization rules will not be considered for review. SOSP Conference - Home - ACM Digital Library Even the little publishable OS work that is not based on Linux still assumes the same simplistic hardware model (essentially a multiprocessor VAX) that bears little resemblance to modern reality. Horcruxs JavaScript scheduler then uses this information to judiciously parallelize JavaScript execution on the client-side so that the end-state is identical to that of a serial execution, while minimizing coordination and offloading overheads. After three years working on web-based collaboration systems at a startup in North Carolina, he joined Sprint's Advanced Technology Lab in Burlingame, California, in 1998, working on cloud computing and network monitoring. Horcrux-compliant web servers perform offline analysis of all the JavaScript code on any frame they serve to conservatively identify, for every JavaScript function, the union of the page state that the function could access across all loads of that page. GoJournals goal is to bring the advantages of journaling for code to specs and proofs. People often assume that blockchain has Byzantine robustness, so adding it to any system will make that system super robust against any calamity. For example, talks may be shorter than in prior years, or some parts of the conference may be multi-tracked.

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