independent fundamental baptist rules

They all work together. 32. The establishment and continuance of local churches is clearly taught and defined in te New Testa ment Scriptures (Acts 14:27; 20:17, 28-32; I Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-11). If you feel guilty for not having devotions 7 days a week, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 42. 3. Wow. Many Christians believe some of these distinctives, but true Baptists believe them all. Hope you have a great day! This is simply an attempt to bring some humor to the blog for the readers enjoyment. More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! Assemble Anywhere KJV Churches Rom 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Romans 5:8 is about salvation. Each church is autonomous, or self-governing, and contains all human authority for leadership within its congregation. . *gasp* Just kidding, just kiddingwe at least look for Baptist on the sign so were good . We sought counseling to see if there was any hope. I found this site while checking for deceptions in different denominations, starting with Mormons. Or preferring the KJV? 30 Then you say, If we had lived in the days of our ancestors, we would never have joined them in killing the prophets.. Laws [8], The New IFB website states that it is not a denomination and that New IFB pastors have differing views over minor theological issues. 49. And yet, they honor the Scofield Bible!!! 4. Marriage for two people that want to make a life together is biblical. You can read some of the experiences here: They bought your loyalty. 30. At one point in my life I would have agreed with 45 of your 55 litmus tests, plus a few others. The pastors name is Kevin Draganac. Here are my concerns about the beliefs since I am not Independent Baptist, Southern Baptist, or part of any Baptist affiliation: If you laugh (snicker, sneer, roll your eyes, etc.) Id have more time to minister to the lost if I didnt have to work to repair the damage done by the IFB. 9 And dont address anyone here on earth as Father, for only God in heaven is your Father. If you think that homosexuality is an unforgivable sin, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 55. You strain your water so you wont accidentally swallow a gnat, but you swallow a camel! All Catholics will not go to heaven is absolutely wrong. Freedom of choice demands personal responsibility. 4,2, and 7 month old. (2 Cor. Jesus forgives and loves and he also needs to be honored is all respects. First Works had previously been the site of protests by activists opposed to its anti-LGBTQ teachings, but police reported there was no evidence linking the protesters to the bombing. If you think that the hymnal in the pew is inspired by God, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 23. Church membership is a necessary privilege for believers who follow Christ. If you feel compelled to go door to door witnessing (or were compelled to visit a nursing home as a teen), you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 28. I dont think it applies to all IFB churches, the ones I grew up in didnt do some of these, but the rest definitely apply. For example, #54. Pastor and his wife paid for reception, photographers, and and shower. It uses the Bible to treat everything from porn addiction However, some (I agree Ogrodnik) are unfair and judgmental. That doesnt necessarily mean they arent a dangerous cult. I can count on one hand the number of IFBs whove asked for a discussion instead of attacking me. I have no belief, opinion, or position of this Happily a brainwashed Bible-folk for about 28 years with more peace in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and a firm foundation of absolute truth to stand on (yes, thats the KV, haha!). The Baptist Distinctives are easy to remember using the acronym B.A.P.T.I.S.T.S. 23. Who are the Independent Baptists, and what do they believe? Pastor and his wife did pay for the reception, photography, and shower. In 1974 Kenneth Chrismans father passed away. 28 Outwardly you look like righteous people, but inwardly your hearts are filled with hypocrisy and lawlessness. Baptism means that a believer is bodily immersed in water followed by being raised up Same pastor who says to his congregation I love you, we all love you here.and we will not judge you. 6 And they love to sit at the head table at banquets and in the seats of honor in the synagogues. I did read it but I still dont understand their beliefs on it.. So, are you happy about that, or wanting to change? I was sincerely disappointed. as a former IFB, I read this.mmmmmm, mixing truth with deceptionI wonder the author uses, the same tactics as the serpent in the garden??? He perhaps worded somethings poorly perhaps, but he is completely turned off by your attitude and responses Steve. Pastor and his wife knew where we lived and probably wondered why, but they never asked or pried. From my perspective turning people away from the IFB is turning them towards God. The thing is, its so insidious, you dont really realize its happening until youre firmly entrenched. I loved him, but I hated the way he treated me. I do believe the requirements of a bishop and deacon is the husband of one wife.1 Timothy 3:2,12 we dont look down on divorced people. 32 Go ahead and finish what your ancestors started. Maybe one day I can reach your level of acceptance and spirituality. Should I choose not to forgive after Christ has already died for him? Webindependent Baptist, to place in the hands of members of independent Baptist churches to help them to know the meaning of church membership and to better understand the doctrines and polity of Baptists, and particularly the reasons why we are independent Baptists and not affiliated with one of the various and sundry organizations among I have no position or opinion of this Baptist beliefs You can read some of them in the comments section and in the testimonial section here: Take a look here: Biblical Reform School Discipline: Tough Love or Abuse? ? Praise the lord God made salvation a gift, or I probably wouldnt have received it. N/A Jesus saved by dying on the cross in my husbands place. It seemed more like an attack on what the Bible says about life than on a denomination. Me and my husband got saved 3 1/2 years ago at an IFB church. Get over it and work to rebuild the relationships instead of tearing down. IFB church members know how to laugh and have fun. He is the Head of the church. My ministry isnt to the lost, its to help heal those whove been hurt by the IFB. The New IFB does not consider itself to be a denomination. Sin is sin and the Holy Spirit works in us to pinpoint where we need to change and this happens while we are in the word. Its the inspired word of God. (Romans 13:1-7; Ephesians 5:21-6:4; Hebrews 13:17; I Peter 2:13-15). New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist churches (also known as the New IFB) or officially the New Independent Fundamental Baptist Movement are an association of conservative, King James Only, independent Baptist churches. 32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Attending all three, in my opinion, is optional. (Psalm 12:6-7; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; 1 Thessalonians 2:13; 2 Peter 1:20-21), Each local church is an independent body accountable to the Lord Jesus Christ. We got saved that day September 14, 2014. Complete Guide to Christian Denominations: Understanding the History, Beliefs, and Differences by Ron Rhodes. Jesus says that if you love Him, that you will keep His words.. The IFB are Pharisees of our day. If you think that the KJV is inspired, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 2. I remember a particular lesson in church about the rod and staff. We believe that the ecumenical movement is a demonic attempt to unite all Christian denominations around experience to the disregard of biblical doctrine. 26. The New IFB is strongly opposed to homosexuality, with several pastors advocating the belief that homosexuals should be executed by the government. I do not know if laugh or cry , almost 30 yrs involved in this , Im still a Christian , I serve in my church , Ive learned more since I left the movement , I am happier more devoted Christian than when I was manipulated to go out soulwinning , bus driving ,Sunday school teaching etc. We wanted help and we wanted to know what the Bible said. Its about Jesus. 20. 46. If you think that other than suits and ties for men is too casual for Sundays While I dont believe that you must dress up for church with suits and ties, however, I do believe we should honor God in His house by dressing up. I dont know what Daves intentions were. People that oppose things is due to beliefs, so I believe if you oppose the IFB church its because you dont believe what their teaching not because there bitter. Baptists are people of the Bible and not fellings. 7. If you refuse to use any other Bible version than the KJV because you think its either too worldly, sinful or less accurate,you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 4. Im going back to my independent baptist church where there is no compromising. When you finally get the blinders off let me know, we will rejoice with you. Some of these doctrines are as listed. N/A You dont just GO WITH THE FLOW. Let God tell you who He is in the letter He wrote for you and youll find a love you cannot comprehend. You might be a hypocrite if you dedicate a whole website to exposing deception while using it.??? See if you recognize any. We wanted Gods blessing of Mariage. Anderson, Fannin and Shelley traded accusations of financial wrongdoing and running a cult. If you believe that secular psychology is worldly/sinful, but dont think that other areas of medicine are OK, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 45. I want to respond to your #30. Many of those things actually do go on at IFB churches, but several of those things are Biblical. I dont think its as bad as all this, but thats my 2 cents and maybe Im still on the inside.. I survived the Christian fundamentalist world - Baptist News I believe the Bible, and if you do not believe the Bible and hate what the Bible teaches, it is because your opinion is more important to you, than what the Bible says, and if that be so, then there is really no reason for you to go to church in the first place. The pastor explained forgiveness and that Jesus has already forgiven his sin on the cross and if I choose to not forgive than I am believing in my heart Jesus didnt die for his sin. Oh well, maybe another discussion. If your not getting a lot out of your bible read I would recommend a switch to Kjv and to define any word you dont know Slow down reading and meditate on what your reading dont read as a duty each day but as a searching for fellowship each day. I thought youd like that. Is that what the great commission tells us to do: Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and send lost loved ones to an IFB church so that they might be saved (DHV Don Holt Version). The New IFB does not consider itself to be a denomination. 33 Snakes! We believe education in the world is good, but the teaching of evolution needs to be addressed if the individual is a little kid as false doctrine. Even when the family goes on vacation, we go to church. You are quick to throw in a jab about how much you dislike them, but cannot tolerate anyone saying different. 19 How blind! Using guitars in church is too liberal That was not the case at the church I grew up in when the last pastor I had when he came to Mountain Church of Christ when he first arrived (which is instrumental though membership is small). Independent Fundamental Baptists are one of the most legalistic Christian groups/. The New IFB began with Steven Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church in response to perceived liberalism in other independent Baptist churches. It seems most on here have a issue with IFB churches. Only a person who has embraced the Savior in fa Continue Reading 4 AbdulQadir Salati I personally fall under Southern Missionary Baptist, and literally had questions in regards to my recent visits at an IFB church. I hope that you left your church in good terms and that they knew how you felt and whoever was wrong to be revived and allow the precense of God to bring the individual to the norm in other words what christian ought to be not what men want to be. WebGetting to it. Would you go back and pet a dog after it bit you? Smoking, drinking, partying, dancing, listening to secular music or Contemporary music arent sinful though partying can only be sinful if you are drunk. Also, we lived in a free Appartement with food stamps. If you think that tattoos are marks of the Devil, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 20. I talk to her about my faith she talks to me about her faith. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became man, without ceasing to be God, having been conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, in order that He might reveal God and redeem sinful men (John 1:1-2, 14; Luke 1:35; Isaiah 9:6; 7:14; Philippians 2:5-8; Galatians 4:4-5). 8 Dont let anyone call you Rabbi, for you have only one teacher, and all of you are equal as brothers and sisters. If you go to a church that sings/plays Just As I Am at the end of every service, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 21. You can read more about that here: That apparently is what Christ would do. This is very good. 25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word. (1 Timothy 3:1-13; Acts 6:1-7;Philippians 1:1), God established both civil and local church governments. 36. THE LAST THINGS I forgave and praise the lord in my life forgiveness was indeed profitable. And I know you included that on your list, but there is a difference between joking and bitterness and I can see it in the comments as well as the post. Stop this shamefulness, as you hurt the ministry of our Lord. We dont mind being scrutinized or even judged. (Job 3:16; Psalm 51:5; 139:14-16; Isaiah 44:24; 49:1, 5; Jeremiah 1:5; 20:15-18; Luke 1:44), We believe that God has ordained and created all authority which consists of three basic institutions: (1) the home, (2) the church, and (3) the state. Sons of vipers! But I still think that every Christian should spend some time in an IFB church. 1. The Bible gives qualifications for each office. 29 What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Satan's eternal end is everlasting torment in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:10). They act like childern, but my church loves them because Jesus loves them. I was taught that. Matthew 6:14-15 THESE SERMON OUTLINES By Michael D. ONeal, Founder and Pastor Since 1986 Of. There are independent Reformed/Calvinist Baptists, and independent Arminian 10. Faith Bible Baptist Church's Bible Study Internet Links We believe that any form of homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, beastiality, incest, fornication, adultery, and pornography is a sinful perversion of God's original intent for a physical relationship between a husband and wife. I forgave him before he changed. OMG = Oh My Goodness! 28. If Just As I Am causes you to repent and go to the altar, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist. [5], New IFB pastors have been the subjects of controversy on numerous occasions. I wish you had broken up your last paragraph into multiple paragraph everything runs together. Its never spoken but up there to read. at people who raise their hands during worship music you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 34. I will cut to the chase: my Pastor and his wife took a much needed vacation a few years ago. I am pretty conservative, but find some of this stuff outright ridiculous! God values his word, even above his own name, and when you or I meet God, what we think means nothing to God, unless it lines up with His Word. 3 1/2 years ago we were addicted to marijuana, cigarettes, alcohol, and pills. This is the same pastor who said, you can come and let us tell you how you can know how you can know for sure how you can make Heaven your home. If your church has a tract rack outside the sanctuary, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 22. 7 You hypocrites! 34. We teach that baptism is necessary for salvation as I get this quote from the King James Version from John 3:5; Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. A Baptist church may choose to associate with other churches of like faith around mutual interests or ministry opportunities, but one church cannot exert authority over another. For you shut the door of the Kingdom of Heaven in peoples faces. I sought counciling to see if there was anything in the Bible that could give Hope to our relationship. This is because we live in this flesh. This is because primarily I am a Bible Believer and if church doctrine of any individual church does not line with scripture, then this so called doctrine is nothing more than a vain tradition. WebEvery active member wishing to speak shall rise and respectfully address the moderator. ALL sins are forgivable, even homosexuality although it is a detestable sin in Gods eyes. And, I am genuinely sorry if any unbiblical or otherwise wrong IFB group, person or church, has hurt anyone here. Does he always heal people no. You can clap in church, we did that Mountain, the church I grew up though we didnt do it very often though. If that doesnt raise red flags for you I dont know what will. Not of works, lest any man should boast. The list is quite helpful just in case one is wondering if theyre living through the motions or not though, but some things are definitely unbiblical to do whether youre IFB or not. I love the Lord with all my heart-I attend church when I want and where I wantbut mostly I have bible studies with Christian friends in coffee shops, homes, and restaurants and (I usually have on a pair of blue jeans. Abortion is murder. The only sin that is not forgivable is blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. The IFB is the one who is hurting the cause of Christ, just like the Pharisees did. 6 Dont waste what is holy on people who are unholy. 5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brothers eye. This is an assumption.. Praise the lord for forgiveness. Lol. 15 What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Independent Fundamental Baptists We didnt go, but they came back the next week. to show me the folly of my performance-based religion. I am a member of an IFB church, Many things on the above list dont apply to the church I attend or those with which I have had the opportunity to attend. No one leaves on good terms unfortunately. They will not participate, as a church, in any outside function with churches which do not also strictly base their faith and practice on the New Testament. Our path is narrow, must we fight amongst each other while we walk it? 13. If your pastor begins his sermon by reading one verse then yells and pounds the pulpit for the next 30 minutes, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 17. For which is more importantthe gift on the altar or the altar that makes the gift sacred? If you should cut your vacation short you should never miss church this has happened only once in my life when I went I was on my senior class trip. Israel was the prodical.. judah is the elder son that was jealous of israel.. Study The prodigal son and the two houses of Israel. 47. I can use scripture to instruct me how to forgive others and God told me that it is profitable. 19. Baptists as a whole, are pretty terrible. I rarely post on random pages I stumbled upon but by his reaction, he didnt think Dave intended to be offensive to prove a point. We ONLY pray to God because saints dont serve as mediators to God the Father. That makes no sense. Looks like youve forgotten to include haircuts (length and style of hair). I was told that I could not work in one of my passionate ministries, infant, toddler, and 3-4 year olds because of something I did in my past 14 years ago and pastor told me I have to prove myself first. It is the final authority on all matters of faith, practice, and polity. I didnt really say you can get drunk on grape juice but if I did, I might be a little confused. We believe that the Scriptures are inerrant, infallible, and God-breathed. Well the whole point of being an independent church is that there is no one that you are responsible to. I am also against body piercings as well. You got me I am an IFB college grad. We believe that the New Testament church is a local assembly of baptized believers who have voluntarily joined themselves toge therto carry out the Great Commission. When you discover that female is indeed wearing the acceptable dress, skirt or koulotts youre so relieved to know that shes right with God ! Jack Hyles came to our church and you would have thought Jesus himself was preaching! All people need to do is humbly ask for one. They had made an idol out of church attendance. The end of November we were going to break up because of physical abuse so instead sought counseling for our pastor and his wife. Thanks. Independent The Trinity: Southern Baptists believe in only one God who reveals himself as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. My husband sinned, and wanted forgiveness. We believe that God created the entire universe in six literal, twenty-four-hour days (Genesis 1:1-27). Wherever there are people, there is sin. If you think that you can be a better Christian or have more favor with the Lord with good performance You cant make up for sins nor can salvation be earned. All fellowship should be grounded in doctrine. 5 Everything they do is for show. 28:19-20; Acts 2:41-42, 18:18; I Corinthians 11:23-26). Believing that going to the movies is sinful but not renting them or watching them on TV I dont see anything wrong about going to the movies because I went to the movies years ago. We believe that Satan is a created angelic being who rebelled and who tempted man to join him in rebellion against God (Isaiah 14:12-17; Ezekiel 28:11-19; Genesis 3:1-5). Hypocrites! We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was raised bodily and that He ascended to Heaven and is now exalted at the right hand of God, where, as our High Priest, He fulfills the ministry of Representative, Intercessor, and Advocate (Acts 1:9-10; Hebrews 9:24, 7:25; Romans 8:34; I John 2:1-2). These are not sacraments to earn salvation, but privileges granted by grace. If you had one opportunity to send a lost love one time to any church , which would it be ? I have 3 children I sometimes spank I sometimes lecture. It made me think of this, Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; Its a shame, but whattayagonnado? 4 How can you think of saying to your friend, Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye, when you cant see past the log in your own eye? Should we stay living together with our baby in fornication? These are right on the money! Im not sure where your pastor got that from, but its not in the Bible. I think I find it more funny how you all think it IS funny and Im just over here secretly judging your jeans ;b, But, all teasing aside, the author and other commentators sound very bitter. 19:13-15. (John 3:36; Romans 14:4-12;2 Corinthians 4:2; Titus 1:9), Local church membership is restricted to individuals who give a believable testimony of personal faith in Christ and have publicly identified with Him in believer's baptism. The New IFB's website lists its core doctrines as salvation by faith alone, once saved always saved, King James Bible-only, the Trinity, soul-winning, "hard" preaching, prewrath post-tribulation rapture, and opposition of worldliness, Calvinism, dispensationalism, liberalism, and Zionism. We dont believe if you get rid of all the sin in your life youll be a completely healthy person. If your child is behaving like a child but you think they are rebellious, misbehaving, mischevious, etc. I wanted to go to church but was not able to. But what He hates about us is the pride and arrogance in us. 31 But in saying that, you testify against yourselves that you are indeed the descendants of those who murdered the prophets. I dont have a boarden to preform any religious works. This is an independent fundamental Baptist program that has chapters in churches all across the country. 41. Ive known many people whom God has reached using the IFB. Due to the nature of the churches being independentin their autonomy, a percentage of what is believed, practiced or condemned by Independent Baptists (or IndependentFundamental Baptists, or Bible Believing Baptists, or IndependentBible Believing Baptists, or Unaffiliated Baptists, or Unaffiliated IndependentBaptists - just to And if a lost person were to stumble upon this page and read your list and how you respond to any differing opinions, would you be helping plant a seed? Im pretty sure it WAS/IS alcohol because the bible talks alot about not getting drunk with wine.also take a little wine, etc. Stil fit. Does the lord convict me when I miss? Illustration by Don Pfaffe appearing in the Central Conservative Baptist Quarterly [4] Anderson has also produced videos in which he attacks the religion of Judaism and questions the official account of the Holocaust. If you believe that you can tell who the good Christians are and who the bad Christians are by looking at the fruit in their lives, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 51. Apart from Him we can do nothing. 27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. IF you are a single Independent Fundamental Baptist where do you go to meet other single Independent Fundamental Baptists? Why would I even send a lost loved one to church instead of sharing the gospel with them for that matter?

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