florida snail identification

Many species are secondarily modified to appear right-handed or pseudo-dextral (FIGS. Alligator Siltsnail University of Florida scientists say the nightmarishly named "rat lungworm" has been found in multiple species of snails in the Miami area, including the invasive giant African snail. All snails in the subfamily Achatininae, including the giant African snail (GAS) (Lissachatina fulica), are regulated plant pests. Planorbid snails are restricted to fresh water and occur worldwide, being found on all continental landmasses and many oceanic islands. Littoridinops monroensis Adults 9-15 mm wide (Figs. Browse and enjoy! Weak spiral striations present on top of growth striations (Figs. 86). Peristome complete around aperture. More data based on many population samples from throughout this range will be necessary before the validity of the three forms can be determined. Nautilus, 19: 34. Nucleus of operculum spiral and then surrounded by concentric growth rings (Fig. It is essential that clean specimens be examined under proper lighting to observe diagnostic sculpture characteristics. Campeloma limum Slackwater Elimia It occurs in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and Brazil (Figure 1) (Raut and Ghose 1984; Biswas et al. Alexander Siltsnail 125); accessory crest absent on penis. 110). Spiral angulation on whorls sharp and prominent in juveniles, usually becoming convex-rounded or smooth on last whorl in adults. Sci. Minor spiral sculpture weak or absent. 99). Aperture elliptical in shape; spire slenderer and slightly convex in outline; suture moderately impressed suture; parapical crest reduced in size. The planorbid snail Micromenetus dilatatus avus in the West Indies and Central America. (Thompson, 1968). The Florida Department . Penis with 5-15 papillae along right margin arranged in 1-2 rows (Fig. Last whorl flattened above. Identification. Shell conical to ovate-conical. Published April 18, 2013 Outer lip of aperture nearly straight in lateral profile (Figs. (Vanatta, 1935). Important diagnostic characteristics for subfamilies, genera, and species are found in the female reproductive system, the male reproductive organ (the penis), and modifications of the radular teeth. Shell slender, attenuate. 2018). They are variable in their shell characteristics, and some samples may be difficult to identify. This manual recognizes 113 species and subspecies that occurring in Florida and the list will increase with time. Widely umbilicate. (Thompson, 1968). 180-182). Spire long, 1.3-1.7 times length of aperture, convex in outline; shell relatively large and nearly cylindrical; 4.0-4.9 mm long; whorls 5.0-5.7, strongly rounded with a deeply impressed suture (Fig. The island apple snail is the largest of the known species in Florida with shell sizes up to five inches in length. It has many colorful stripes, colors, and bands on its shell which are usually orange, light orange, dark orange, or yellow. Dense Hydrobe Giant African snails can lead to giant problems. 135). Penis filament black. Haitia bermudezi 159, 162, 165). Pilsbry, H. A. (Sowerby, 1878). Whorls 4.6-5.3. Conical with relatively slender whorls. Wekiwa Siltsnail Malacological Review, 12: 87-88. Florida Shell Guide. Apex less than 0.4 times length of shell. Lower margin of aperture not advanced beyond upper margin. (Conrad, 1834). Walker, B. Identify your shells using our popular photo guide to southwest Florida shells from Sanibel Island and beyond. Newborn shells white. Low-dome Physa Operculum constructed entirely of concentric rings (Fig. Haitia cubensis Plane of aperture nearly vertical when viewed from the side. Shell with about 4.5-5.0 whorls; about 3.0-4.8 mm long (Fig. In previous editions of the manual species of Floridobia were placed in the genus Cincinnatia. They are commonly found on live aquatic plant stems, dead leaves and sticks, and on bottles and cans. Penis filament white. Whorls of spire less rounded. Only three widely distributed species occur in Florida. Freemouth Hydrobe This genus of minute freshwater snails is endemic to the Florida peninsula. About 4.2-4.6 weakly arched whorls with a weakly impressed suture. 140-146). 199). Thick-lipped Rams-horn Vernacular names are given only for species. Six species are known to occur in Florida. 1934. Review of the Planorbidae of Florida with notes on other members of the family. 45). (Clench & Turner, 1956). Penis with different arrangement of papillae than above. 151, 152). 119). Aperture relatively ample (Figs. Viviparus contectoides limi, new name for V. c. compactus Pils. 109a, 109b). Cymbal Ancylid (Fig. Critical Florida references are Thompson 1968, 1969, 2000; Thompson and Hershler, 1991, and Hershler and Thompson, 1992. The other three forms, C. limum (Anthony, 1860), C. floridense Call,1866 and C. parthenum Vail, 1979, are exclusively apomictic parthenogens and have been separated on the basis of aperture coloration, embryonic shell coloration, and contour of the outer lip (Vail 1979a). Apex very obtuse, almost in the middle of the shell. In view of the inconsistency of these shell characters, these three forms may represent only a single species, Campeloma limum, which is widely distributed from the Escambia River system of Florida and Alabama east and north into North Carolina and Virginia. Shell unicolor, never banded. Evolution has proceeded primarily through reproductive and trophic specializations. (Thompson, 1968). 38). Shell with strong vertical ribs on spire; spiral chords vestigial, confined to spiral series of knobs on top of vertical ribs; adults small, about 13-16 mm long (Fig. Most inhabit fresh water, but some also occur in brackish water. Purple-throated Campeloma 70). Elimia athearni Vertical sculpture reduced to irregularly spaced and uneven growth striations or low undulating ribs. A single species consisting of two highly variable subspecies occurs in Florida. Creek Siltsnail Apex fairly prominent as a rounded knob in the right posterior quadrant (Figs. 145). Additional surveys found four different populations all associated with the CSX railways. Length of shell up to 5 mm. It can grow to a length of 16 inches (400 millimeters) and is easily identifiable by the left-handed opening of the shell - meaning when you look at the shell, the opening is on the left. Each snail has both female and male reproductive organs, so they can reproduce rapidly. Pilsbry, H. A. (Pilsbry and Johnson, 1903). Florida Museum of Natural History The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has mapped out a . Periphery variable. Quilted Melania Operculum with about 3 whorls (Fig. Somatogyrus is distributed from the Mississippi River drainage system east to Atlantic coastal streams, and south to the Gulf coastal drainage systems. (Reeve, 1860). One species, C. chinensis malleatus (Reeve, 1863) (Fig. . The living snail is bright orange. 160, 163, 166). Laevapex is a North American genus. It is important to save some specimens for anatomical studies. Shell relatively thin. TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) Florida, a state that encourages people to kill non-native iguanas, pythons and lionfish, has a new invasive species to worry about: the horntail snail, which has never . Outer lip strongly sinuous. (Lea, 1838). 1978. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, (456): 1-6. Suture relatively deep, Whorls of spire rounded. Physella gyrina aurea 169, 172). Tadpole Physa 91). The genus Viviparus (Viviparidae) in North America. Shell with or without bright bands; with low wavy growth wrinkles; large but not robust, 23-28 mm long. Radial riblets on entire surface of shell except apex. Conical with relatively obese whorls. Various species of Cipangopaludina also have been introduced from the Orient into North America. 7 new spider species . Incremental striations intensified near nucleus and umbilicus. Shell usually large, about 12-16 mm long. Snails in wild populations range in shell color from yellow to brownish-black, and may contain stripes or dimpling. Pilsbry, H. A. The number of subfanilies recognized in the Hydrobiida is unsettled. Moderately large, thick-shelled operculate snails. Teardrop Snail Snails have invaded some local areas throughout northern Santa Rosa and Escambia Counties this summer. 60). (Reeve, 1856). Aperture without serrate denticles on parietal wall. 128). Bright pink egg masses are laid on . Marsh Sprite Fawn Melania 69). Slough Hydrobe 69, 70). Aphaostracon rhadinus (Fig. "If you see one of these snails,. Fortunately in Florida, the species are relatively easy to distinguish. U-shaped superior crest not enclosing longitudinal crests. It wasn't until 2021 the population was. 89). (Pilsbry, 1889). Two occur in Florida. Body whorl inflated. (Mller, 1774). Outer lip of aperture strongly sinuous in lateral profile (Fig. Shell medium-sized or large; 5.4-7.5 mm long; thick and opaque; ovate or globose; apical whorls depressed; sides of spire rounded; body whorl conspicuously enlarged, ample, rapidly descending to aperture along last half whorl. As of last . Penis as illustrated (Fig. 93). Spire usually about equal to or greater than height of aperture (Figs. Penis with superior tubercles forming a vague broken loop; invaginated cave-like pit absent. 10-12). Knobby Elimia Penis with 3 I 0 small papillae around base and 7-15 papillae along right margin in a single row (Fig. (Fig.114). 65). Sexes strongly dimorphic in size, males about half as long as females. (Say, 1817). Shell usually small to medium (2-25 mm). Attains a length of 30-40 mm (Fig. Excentric Ancylid Base of shell when viewed from below showing about half of preceding whorl due to straight basal lip (Fig. Operculum calcareous with two pegs on inner surface (Figs. 24, 27). Olive NeriteNeritina usnea(Reding, 1798). Aperture terminating below periphery of body whorl. The best times to look for shells are after a high tide, after a storm, in the morning, and during the winter months. Black-crested Elimia) Elimia albanyensis (Lea, 1864). Choctawhatchee Elimia Umbilicus variable. 1982. They are most common on tropical islands but occur also in cold regions, where they hibernate. Sides of spire straight-sided in outline. Floridobia porterae 1962. (Thompson, 2000). (Weatherby, 1879). Spiral sculpture absent. You can also navigate through the images by clicking on the arrows near the left and right edges of the enlarged view. The bodies of large snails, such as viviparids and pilids, should be pulled from the shell. They achieve their greatest diversity in genera and species in temperate North America. 88). TAMPA, Fla. - A horntail snail, an invasive pest common in India, has been found in Miami-Dade County, spurring agriculture officials to start a program to prevent the possible spread of the species, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services said Thursday.

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