apple valley high school bell schedule

2. You or your parents are entitled to make complaints against any member of the school staff and to appeal the decisions made by members of the staff. Please see the Demerit Policyon page36 The tardy infractions will result in appropriate discipline consequences: e.g. Granite Hills High School 22900 Esaws Rd, Apple Valley, CA 92307 Phone: 760-961-2290 Fax: 760-961-8755 Para traducir este sitio web a otro idioma, haga clic en este botn de traduccin de. (2)Possession of the firearm was verified by an employee of the school district. It is the responsibility of each student to secure a valid hall pass when leaving a classroom or office during instruction time. This means that students are not permitted to be in unauthorized areas or to leave campus from the time they arrive on campus until they complete their last scheduled class. Looking at someone elses paper during a test, exam, or any other assessment activity. - Our school resource officer may issue citations for violations of California State Penal Codes, such as fighting and/or vandalism. The message briefly informs you that your student was absent two or more class periods that day and to pleasesend a written notice to excuse the absence to the Attendance Office the next day or use our 24 hour-a-day message number, 247-7206 ext. Select a School. The office telephones are for office business only. (g) Stolen or attempted to steal school property or private property. j. The time for filing may be extended for up to 90 days by the Superintendent or designee for good cause upon written request by the complainant setting forth the reason for the extension. * The school district will work with its schools to ensure that the required school-level parental involvement policies meet the federal requirements and each include, as a component, a school-parent compact. Demon Delicacies This club assists students in becoming more aware of gourmet food preparation and etiquette. Tampering with, falsifying, or forging school documents. This policy applies to students on school grounds, while traveling to and from school or a school-sponsored activity, and during a school-sponsored activity. When we know who is on campus, we are taking that extra step to continue to provide a safe and secure learning environment for all students and staff. Students may be removed from the graduation ceremony and/or other senior activities for discipline violations throughout the year. Academic Counseling. Please return them in the condition received. Students must present the AVHS ID with the appropriate open period sticker to leave campus early. Health Occupation Students of America- Students belonging to HOSA learn the importance of compassionate, quality healthcare by providing opportunities for learning and sharing knowledge, developing professional and leadership skills and meeting the needs of the healthcare industry. Complaints alleging discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, gender, disability or age may also be filed with the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights at www.ed.govor within 180 days of the alleged discrimination. Meet our Staff Apple Valley High School | (760) 247- 7206 Administrators Mr. Brian Goodrow Principal ext. Receiving a special and individual introduction. No assigned work is exempted from this policy. Although these actions may vary from course to course, the following categories are used to provide clarification for common violations of this policy. All reasons for absences received will be recorded including the date and time the reason was given. Any course changes after the above stated timelines will require administrative approval. Student visitation to a medical office, clinic, doctor or dentist (doctors note required). The school will, to the extent feasible and appropriate, take the following actions to ensure that information related to the school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities, is sent to the parents of participating children in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon request, and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand: * School information, including communication about the Title I program, will be distributed in all the major languages spoken by the families of the students at the school. Trident Yearbook The Trident Yearbook is a yearlong project that requires dedication, long hours after school, patience, and endless ideas. They are trained to help students in their life needs and coordinate their activities with counselors and trained staff members. School Holidays. 2021 - 2022 . 2. Notes brought in late or phone requests for off-grounds passes may delay your leaving time. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THE SCHOOL WILL IMPLEMENT REQUIRED SCHOOL PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT POLICY COMPONENTS. 7. Library computers may not be used to play computer games. California State Education Code Section 48904 provides authorization for Any School District whose real or personal property has been willfully cut, defaced, or otherwise injured, or whose property is loaned to a pupil and willfully not returned upon demand or any employee of the District authorized to make the demand may, after affording the pupil his/her due process rights, withhold (such items as) the grades, diplomas and transcripts of the pupil responsible for the damage until the pupil or the pupils parent or guardian has paid for the damages thereto, not to exceed seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500).. Students must remain in the designated supervised areas of the school campus. Violation of this rule will result in disciplinary action. card are eligible to be recipients of the awards, certificates, trophies, or other subsidies to be paid for using ASB funds. If you are a member of a club, activity or sport, we highly recommend that you purchase an activities sticker to receive these subsidies. Stealing or any unauthorized use of assessment tools, answer keys, or school records, including but not limited to the following: a. If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. __________________________________________________________________, CounselorTeacher (transfer)Teacher (current), Approved Denied ________________________________. dvancement Via Individual Determination These students promote college awareness on campus, learn more about career options, and foster a spirit of excellence. It is assigned as a consequence for repeated minor expectation infractions. (f) Caused or attempted to cause damage to school property or private property. (j) Unlawfully possessed or unlawfully offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell drug paraphernalia, as defined in Section 11014.5 of the Health and Safety Code. for any major violation of school expectations and/or repeated minor violations of school expectations, or at administrative discretion. When excusing your students absence, please be prepared to give your students name, date(s) of absence, and the reason your student was absent, along with a daytime phone number for verification purposes. The school administration has separate penalties for students who are truant, but the classroom teacher also has a right and responsibility to establish a policy in which truancy affects students grades. The State of California has determined that excused absences are limited to the following reasons: Absences which do not qualify as excused under the guidelines of the California Education Code are oversleeping, alarm clock not working, missed the bus, car did not start, rain or other inclement weather, visiting friends, vacations, lack of clothing, babysitting, personal and /or family emergency etc. Print Student Name____________________________________________, Student Signature_____________________________________________Date__________________, Parent/Guardian______________________________________________Date___________________, AVHS Guidelines & Expectations for Academic Integrity 42, Announcements of general interest to the student body may be read over the public address system or by club advisors at the beginning of second period. The governing board shall expel that student or, as an alternative, refer that student to an alternative education program, whenever the principal or superintendent of schools and the governing board confirm that: (1)The student was in knowing possession of the firearm. The District shall investigate complaints alleging failure to comply with such laws and/or alleging unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation or bullying and shall seek to resolve those complaints in accordance with the District's Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP). Only Seniors who have a 3.0 Cumulative GPA -OR- have met or exceeded one or more standards on CAASPP in their Junior year, have no serious behavior issues, and minimal tardies and absences may be issued a lunch pass upon parent and administrator approval. 11th grade-Students who have 140 or less credits may be involuntarily transferred to HDPA. ~Pays tournament entry fees for our academic and athletic teams. Bell Schedule. The principal or the superintendent of the schools shall immediately suspend pursuant to Section 48911 and recommend to the governing board the expulsion of any student found to be in possession of a firearm at school or a school activity of school grounds. However, this section does not prohibit use or possession by a pupil of his or her own prescription products. They practice every day and have many performances in front of large crowds. Consequently we require all volunteers to complete this application and meet the requirements of a security clearance before serving as a volunteer in our schools. * District Parent involvement policy and parent survey is mailed and also provided online, to all parents in the district and results are aggregated and disaggregated by site. Key Club is a united club containing a vast range of students making it a very diverse club. A student may receive I.S.S. Students must be eligible (9 or fewer Demerits and all other criteria) on the day their permission slip is due in order to participate in any field trip. Such actions may be described as, but are not limited to, the following: are committed to promoting lifelong learning, and professional & personal integrity. This applies to students as well as members of the staff. 5400 Cochran St., Simi Valley, CA 93063 Chevron: Attain the same standard as outlined above for an academic shield (awarded each succeeding semester and submits an application at the tables at lunch) and an ASB sticker. Students will not be placed in a second semester class after five (5) days. When seeing the new computer schedule, the teacher should delete or add the student to the roll book as appropriate. Eastlake Chula Vista. Teays Valley High School; Teays Valley East Middle School; Teays Valley West Middle School; Ashville Elementary; . No directory information will be released regarding any student when a parent or guardian has notified the school district that such information shall not be released. For these events we will accept cash or money orders only. Contact parent to bring acceptable clothing to the student waiting in the administrators office. I, , am applying to be a volunteer with the Apple Valley Unified School District at _________________________ School. ~Music played outside during lunch periods. 3. Each Wednesday the first 20 students who sign up will perform different cleaning duties as assigned by A-6. Bowling Club Promotes the game of bowling and competes with other schools in the High School Varsity League at Victor Bowl. (Education Code 52052,52060), (cf. (i) Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity. Habitual tardies and truants will be considered as willful defiance and will be reported to School Attendance Review Board (SARB). 3541 - Transportation Routes and Services), 2558.2 Use of revenue limits to determine average daily attendance of homeless children, 39807.5 Payment of transportation costs by parents, 11431-11435 McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program, Non-Regulatory Guidance, July 2004, 12, California Department of Education, Homeless Children and Youth Education:, National Center for Homeless Education at SERVE:, National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty:, U.S. Department of Education:, Policy APPLE VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, Adopted: January 17, 2006 Apple Valley, California,, Student Name: _____________________________________Date: _______________, Current Class: _____________________________, Teacher: __________________________________, Reason/Concern: __________________________________________________________________________, __________________________________________________________________________, __________________________________________________________________, Student signatureParent signature. If a student must take medication at school, we follow certain procedures to ensure the proper administration of the medication. 9th grade-Students who have 30 or less credits may be involuntarily transferred to HDPA. Return the completed application with a valid drivers license and proof of insurance.

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